After Final Show

This is the third big IMA project I’ve done, after the midterm and final of the interaction lab. After every project I felt I could do a little bit better, and set off for the next one with more confidence. Here are some aspects where this production stands out:

This is the first time I collaborated with more than one person. I found through my past experiences and this that I’m always the one that comes up with the main idea in a team, but sometimes I lack the motivation of pushing it through to the final product. The idea in itself is always a rough one, and through this course I noticed that I had the habit of trying to dig into the specifics too early in the production stage, when it is not only okay but also necessary to leave some blanks and allow things to change. The mix of inspirations and talents in almost every process of the production from my teammates contribute a lot to the final product. Maybe going with the flow and allow different energies to mix itself in a work is in itself an important component of creativity.

A thing I really love about this course is that we have the most professional instructor and helper through the whole production process. When I was taking interaction lab there was no guidance on an effective and healthy production process, and I just habitually smashed all the things in the last weekend. In the end it did work well, but clearly there wasn’t much time for reflection or improvement. Not to mention the scale of the project is not as big as this one. I think with projects that need more hard work time and with multiple teammates it is very important to develop an effective  schedule and stick to it, because there is simply no way of doing everything at once, at the last minute. Often, even discussion takes a lot of time. After that, the visualization of the idea previously agreed upon can still be very different and requires a lot of adjustments. That different people have different work style and level of technique should also be taken into consideration, and in all there are a lot of things that could go wrong, and needs rearrangement and collaborative time. But the special thing in all collaboration is that there always is surprise and something better in the merge of our ideas and efforts. And that promised a very fulfilling semester of project.

Special thanks to Professor Naimark and Dave.

It has been a wonderful semester:)

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