This week we tried out the 3D projector and I did a little more animation with the beach and elf frame.
I am personally a bit weary about the final product in its continuity of quality. I think it is a dilemma that I’ve often encountered in IMA projects. A project is no fun if it cannot be something of one’s own creation and expression, yet time limits the effort a person can do. What should be the balance of the originality of the idea and compromises that are made in group work?
When I first thought of the story I spent some time pondering if I want to share it, if it would be better enough to throw off all the work we did on the murder storyline(though not much). But upon sharing I saw that though words and pictures and be shared ideas surely cannot. People have different interpretations and that’s fine. Though, how will the owner of the ship of Theseus feel watching the planks being stolen and replaced?
And then there are also the style and effectiveness of work. If the work of somebody else is not up to standard, how should I suggest it? If the person is somehow unable to do it should it somehow be within my responsibilities? How do I know if they are alright with someone else editing their work and should I care?
Overall, the general thing we call kindness and politeness today is so tiresome and ineffective.
Sorry about the ranting. Wasn’t in a good mood lately.