Video Project — Storyboard

This is our storyboard for the interactive media.

Main scenes:

1. Background video: In this digital age, people cannot do anything without looking at their phones. We decided to shoot this phenomenon on the underground or in the lift.

2. A person(not appear in our video)turns off the lamp and puts down his mobile phone before sleeping.

3. Seconds later, his phone lights up and shows the messages and notifications from different apps. (Also have sound effects)

4. As depicted in the storyline (the apple which is becoming smaller and smaller), the person uses his cellphone anytime and anywhere to check what’s happening around him.

5. The three most common objects that people use cellphones to take pictures are shopping, visiting exhibitions, and having food. We will shoot these three processes and replay it for two times to show how people take pictures everywhere they go.

6. We will create a room where phones light up one by one everywhere to bring our story to a climax.

7. In our climax, we will use three or more mirrors to reflect the videos shown in the computer, which is called by us a “Mirror Forest”. It remains to be discussed in the following days.

8. The last scene is that the mirror is broken, which symbolizes the person wakes up in his bed, reflecting how people should behave and make changes in this digital world.


This is our Video Project GANTT Chart:

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