We’re excited you want to participate! It’ll be a blast.

Are there any requirements to participate?

We have two requirements:

  • No metal on your body. This means no permanent metal retainers, jewelry, shirts with glitter on them, and so on.
  • Participants should have healthy hearing and healthy or corrected vision (glasses or contacts are okay).

How do I participate?

You can either sign up online or email us to set up a time that works for you.

To ask questions about the study, you can email us at NYUneurolinguisticslab@gmail.com or call us at (586) 770-7350.

We look forward to seeing you!

Will I be compensated?

Each family will receive a $10 travel stipend. Participating children will receive a certificate of completion and their choice of either a science-themed prize or $15 gift card. Participating adults will be paid at a rate of $15/hour.

Where is the lab?

The MEG lab is located in Room 284 of the Meyer Complex on the NYU Washington Square Campus, at 6 Washington Place between Broadway and Mercer Street (see the map at the bottom of this page to get detailed directions). 

Once you arrive:

  • Sign in at the front desk.
  • Walk past the right side of the desk and down the hallway.
  • Take the elevator on your left to the second floor.
  • Take an immediate left when you exit the elevator.
  • Look for the MEG Lab sign on your right.

We’ll also send you these instructions by email, but if you have trouble finding the lab, you should call the phone number provided by the experimenter who scheduled your session, or call Jeff Walker, our MEG research scientist, at 212-992-7462.