COVID-19 Prevention Procedures

For the safety of our participants and researchers, we have implemented COVID-19 prevention measures to continue our in-person testing. 

How will the MEG visit be different during the COVID-19 Pandemic? 

After contacting us expressing your interest to participate in our study, the researcher will reach out to you with information regarding all the steps you’ll need to take to follow our COVID-19 guidelines. This includes the following:

  1. Visits from all Non-Affiliated NYU participants must first be approved by the FAS Psychology department. The researcher will submit the form of approval a few days before the appointment.
  2. On the day of your appointment, prior to coming into the MEG lab, you MUST complete the Daily COVID-19 Screener for Visitor and Vendor Access in order to enter the building. A screener should be completed for each person entering the building.
  3. Upon arrival, public safety will review the approval email, checking the name against the guest’s government-issued ID, and ensure the visitor is compliant with the Daily COVID-19 Screener for Visitor and Vendor Access

MEG Lab Rules and Regulations

 In addition to the steps to ensure participant safety prior to entering the Meyer building, there are also a few MEG lab-specific procedures that should are important to keep in mind. This includes the following:

  1. The MEG Lab is disinfected by NYU CBS every morning and will be disinfected by the researcher before and after running each participant. After the lab has been disinfected and the participant has arrived, one researcher will meet the participant(s) at the main entrance. 
  2.  Upon arrival, participants will be provided with hand sanitizer, gloves, and an MEG compatible mask that does not contain metal to prevent any issues when entering the MEG machine. Participants’ temperature will also be measured with a contactless thermometer to ensure that they do not have a temperature of above 100.4. Masks should be worn at ALL times. 
  3. Participants will be verbally screened to ensure that they have not started to experience any COVID-19 symptoms. If this is true, participants will be escorted off the premises and will have to reschedule for a later date.
  4. When completing the experiment, hand sanitizer will be available at all times, and participants are encouraged to frequently clean their hands during their visit. 

Our researchers have been working hard to ensure that all rules and regulations are followed, and most importantly, that we continue to make the MEG visit a pleasant experience for all of our participants! 

Have any further questions or concerns? Please do not hesitate to reach out to us at