Graduate Student, Linguistics          

I am a first-year PhD student in Linguistics, advised by Prof Liina Pylkkänen.I’m interested in the neural correlates of meaning access and syntactic processing. That’s why I’m intrigued by the syntax-semantics interface of the language system, both inside and outside words. In particular, I’m investigating the mechanisms we put to use when recognizing and parsing different syntactic structures, and how similar they are to the lexical access ones. The RPVP paradigm, together with an MEG data collection, have been proving to be a useful set of tools to dive into this question.Before coming to NYU, I completed a BA in Modern Languages and a MA in Linguistics, both at the Federal University of Rio de Janeiro (UFRJ), Brazil. In my senior and master theses, I focused on the processing and representation of semantically opaque words in Brazilian Portuguese. To probe this, I conducted behavioral and EEG experiments.

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