Lab Manager and Research Assistant, NYC

I received my BA from Hampshire College, where I designed my own course of study in psycho- and neurolinguistics with a focus in syntax and semantics. At Hampshire, I worked with Dr. Joanna Morris on several ERP studies centered around individual differences in morphological decomposition, and went on to write my undergraduate thesis on the use of Representational Similarity Analysis (RSA) to dissociate superficially similar ERP components. While my background as a late bilingual is what brought me to study language in the brain, my primary interests lie in the neural bases of syntactic and semantic processing, the syntax-semantics interface, domain general mechanisms involved in language processing, and novel methods of analyzing neural data. My current projects use magnetoencephalography (MEG) to address the availability and salience of syntax in argument structure composition and mode-independent measures of basic linguistic composition. I am very excited to collaborate with lab members and to advance my research experience here at NeLLab. 

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