The event will take place at 630 Second Avenue, New York, NY
9:00 Working breakfast & opening activity
9:45 Our story: Dr. Vanessa Rodriguez and Dr. Ido Davidesco (organizers)
10:15 Opening MLK dedication: Dr. Joseph Ravenell (Associate Dean for Diversity Affairs and Inclusion, NYU School of Medicine)
10:45 Coffee break
11:00 Opening activity: Dr. Kathy Hirsh-Pasek (Temple University)
11:45 Working lunch
12:30 Interactive panel: Building and Buying Into Equity in STEM from an MBE perspective (Dr. Natalie Brito, NYU; Dr. Gigliana Melzi, NYU; Dr. Velma Cobb, Touro University; Alexis Riley, NYU)
1:20 Design Thinking Tables: Roundtable discussions led by experts who are motivated to share their insights and experiences. We encourage you to familiarize yourself with the facilitators and topics in advance, and think about which table you might choose on Monday (click here).
3:30 Gallery walk
4:15 Closing activity: Dr. Wendy Suzuki (NYU)
5:00 End of day
The agenda evolves as we find out more about you! So continue to check back for details