Journal Publications and Book Chapters  (2013 to Present)

Levina, N. “Natalia Levina, Grounded Theory Provocation for MISQ Accepted, MIS Quarterly, Next Generation Information Systems Theory, Forthcoming, 2021

Bhatia A., Levina, N.  “Can Entrepreneurship Be Taught in a Classroom?” Harvard Business Review, August 7, 2020.

Bhatia A., Levina, N.The Diverse Rationalities of Entrepreneurship Education: An Epistemic Stance Perspective,Academy of Management Learning & Education, September 2020. ( 

Shaikh, M., and Levina N. “Selecting an Open Innovation Community as an Alliance Partner: Looking for Healthy Communities and Ecosystem,” Research Policy, 48(8), October 2019.  ( 

An easily accessible summary of Shaikh & Levina’s  2019 paper can be found in Warwick Business School CORE magazine, Edition Eight, pages 18-24: 

Shaikh & Levina, Research Policy, 2019

Kane, A. A. & N. Levina,  “Am I still one of them?”: Bicultural immigrant managers navigating social identity threats when spanning global boundaries. Journal of Management Studies, Articles in Advance, 2017. ( 

Kane and Levina, JMS, 2017

Fayard, A.L., E. Gkeredakis, and N. Levina, “Framing Innovation Opportunities While Staying Committed to an Organizational Epistemic Stance,” Information Systems Research, 27(2), March, 2016, pp: 302-323.

Fayard, Gkeredakis, Levina, ISR, 2016

Su, N., N. Levina, and J. Ross, “The Long Tail Strategy of IT Outsourcing: Reinventing Your Supplier Portfolio,” Sloan Management Review, 57(2), Winter, 2016, pp:1-9.

Su, Levina, and Ross, SMR, 2015

Walsh I., Holton J., Fernandes W., Bailyn L., N. Levina, Glaser B.G. “What grounded theory is…: A critically reflective conversation among scholars,” Organizational Research Methods, 18(4), Sept. 2015, pp. 620-628.

Walsh et al, ORM, 2015

Walsh I., Holton J., Fernandes W., Bailyn L., N. Levina, Glaser B.G. “Rejoinder: Moving the Management Field Forward,” Organizational Research Methods, 18(4), Sept. 2015, pp. 581-599.

Walsh et al, Rejoinder, Sept 2015, Organizational Research Methods

Vaast E. and N. Levina, “Speaking as one, but not speaking up: Dealing with New Taint in an Occupational Online Community,” Information and Organizations, 25(2), April 2015, pp. 73-98.

Vaast and Levina, IO, Bankers, 2015

Levina, N. and E. Vaast,  “Leveraging archival data from online communities for grounded process theorizing,” in Handbook of Innovative Qualitative Research Methods Pathways to Cool Ideas and Interesting Papers, K. Elsbach and R. Kraemer (eds), Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, NY, 2015, pp. 215-224

Levina and Vaast, Qualitative Methods Book Chapter, 2015

Levina, N. and E. Vaast,  “A Field-of-practice view on Boundary Spanning in and Across Organizations: Transactive and Transformative Boundary-Spanning Practices,” in Boundary Spanning in Organizations, J. Langan-Fox and C. Cooper (eds), Routledge, Taylor & Francis Group, New York, NY, 2013, pp. 285-307.

Levina and Vaast, Boundary Spanning Book Chapter, 2013

Levina, N. and M. Arriaga, “Distinction and Status Production on User-Generated Content Platforms: Using Bourdieu’s Theory of Cultural Production to Understand Social Dynamics in Online Fields,” Information Systems Research, 25(3), 2014, pp. 468-488.

Levina and Arriaga, ISR, 2014

Birks, D.F., W. Fernandez, N. Levina, and Syed Nasirin, “Grounded theory method in Information Systems research: Its nature, diversity, and opportunities,” Introduction to Special Issue, European Journal of Information Systems (22), Jan. 2013, pp. 1-8.

Birks, Fernandez, Levina, Nasirin, EJIS, 2013