The Chord Dictionary

I made a big spreadsheet with all the chords in it. It’s not all the possible chords, but it’s the ones you most commonly encounter in Western classical, jazz, rock and pop.

I also made some videos explaining how chords work, with handy aQWERTYon visualization. Enjoy!

Published by

Ethan Hein

Ethan Hein teaches music technology and music education at NYU and Montclair State University. He maintains an influential and widely-followed music blog at and has also recently written for NewMusicBox, Quartz, and Slate. He is an active producer and composer, and you can listen to his recent work here: Recently, musicians in eight countries created twenty recordings of his laptop orchestra composition “Divergence/Convergence” as part of a project by the Disquiet Junto, an online electronic music collective. As a founding member of the NYU Music Experience Design Lab, Ethan designs and researches new interfaces for music learning and expression.

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