Groove Pizza update

An NYU music tech student named Tyler Bisson is about to complete his masters thesis, a circular rhythmic sequencer called the Groove Pizzaria. As the name implies, it’s based on the Groove Pizza, but it does complex polyrhythms and has a sharper, more minimalist design. It’s beautiful and awesome.

Meanwhile, the Groove Pizza continues to be used around the world, with more than 600,000 cumulative sessions so far. It gets 45,000 returning monthly users, which is 1500 returning users a day. That’s great! But in the time since we released it, we’ve thought of many refinements and improvements we could make. That includes the idea of a new version, the Groove Pizza Pro, which would support a wider variety of rhythms and sounds, perhaps incorporating Tyler’s innovations. The MusEDLab is actively looking for funding partners to bring the next generation of beginner-friendly rhythm sequencers to life.

Groove Pizza logo

I have no idea how to raise money. (If I did, my life would be different.) But I’m passionate about making the Groove Pizza the best music learning and creation experience it can be. If someone was looking to do some philanthropy around music education, this would be a way to make a swift and measurable impact for a lot of learners, formal and informal. If you or someone you know might be interested in doing such a thing, please be in touch.

Published by

Ethan Hein

Ethan Hein teaches music technology and music education at NYU and Montclair State University. He maintains an influential and widely-followed music blog at and has also recently written for NewMusicBox, Quartz, and Slate. He is an active producer and composer, and you can listen to his recent work here: Recently, musicians in eight countries created twenty recordings of his laptop orchestra composition “Divergence/Convergence” as part of a project by the Disquiet Junto, an online electronic music collective. As a founding member of the NYU Music Experience Design Lab, Ethan designs and researches new interfaces for music learning and expression.

2 thoughts on “Groove Pizza update”

  1. When I click play on the Groove Pizza, it doesn’t play anything and the animation doesn’t do anything. I’ve tried it with Safari and Chrome on Mac.

    Am I doing something wrong or is there a bug?

    Thanks, it looks very cool!

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