Our group is always looking for motivated and talented people who want to investigate the physics of condensed matter systems. Currently, our group is mainly focusing on moiré superlattices of which material properties are mainly governed by the moiré  interference of atomic arrangement rather than the arrangement itself.

Postdoctoral Research Fellow Position

One postdoctoral research fellow position in condensed matter theory is available. Please follow the instructions at https://shanghai.nyu.edu/about/work/fellowships (Postdoctoral Fellowship in Physics). Applications received by January 31, 2024 will receive full consideration, but applications will be accepted until the position is filled. After the selection, the position will start as soon as possible subject to immigration regulations. For more details, please contact pilkyung.moon at nyu.edu.

PhD Program

There is an opening for a PhD program in our group. Participating students are enrolled in the Physics PhD program of New York University Graduate School of Arts and Science (need to choose “Shanghai-track”), complete their coursework at the NYU Department of Physics in New York, and then transition to full-time residence at NYU Shanghai where they undertake their doctoral research under the supervision of NYU Shanghai faculty. For more details, please contact pilkyung.moon at nyu.edu.