It is interesting to read the authors’ discussion about “globalized habitus” and “ethnic clusters” in Global Cities, Local Streets. According to them, demographic changes in the neighborhood can create new business opportunity for immigrant merchants, and “with transnational migration and local settlement, clusters of ethnic businesses form Little Italys, Little Havanas and Little Senegals.” (pp. 8) They also pointed out that “ethnic clusters do not last forever” (pp. 8), and the new pattern in modern society is “super-diversity” of local shopping streets.
Personally speaking, I agree with the developing process and social role of ethnic clusters mentioned in the book, also the emerging trend of “super-diversity”. However, I think ethnic clusters can actually last for a long time rather than inevitably transferring to the new pattern, because some of them can also develop a new social role in public space and provide diverse functions for the modern society. Here I’d like to take the “Korea street” in the Minhang district of Shanghai for example. Hongquan Street is located in the Minhang District of Shanghai, with many Korea communities in the surrounding area. The entire street is full of various shops and operated by Koreans, so the street was nicknamed as the “Korea Street”. Every day, many people come here not only to experience the Korean culture, but for the various entertainment and business purposes. Surprisingly, this well-known area has just been formed in recent years, and is constantly expanding its business scale and influence. It’s true that the small stores here provide products to the Korean people and serve local Chinese people as middleman minorities. However, the ethnic clusters here have much more power and influence beyond these primitive ones. The authors said that ethnic cluster will gradually disappear when a group moves away or “the initial cohort of store owners ages, retires” (pp. 10). Nonetheless, with the increasingly close economic and cultural exchanges in modern society, the immigrant community can grow stronger and stronger. In a Minhang news report, we can see the future development plan of Korea Street and Korea community based on the ethnic cluster: Korean specialty restaurants, Korean supermarkets, Korean performing arts schools and various Korean enterprises will be introduced here to create a Korean town with unique characteristics. Additionally, an increasing number of Korean venture capital funds have been received, leading to great development prospects in the fields of business, technology and culture. (Read more here) In a Vlog recording the condition of Korea Community during the epidemic in March, we can see that this place is still a vital and organized ecosystem.(Watch the video) To sum up, affected by the economic and cultural factors, ethnic clusters today can develop into a mature and integrated community. This example shows the new form of ethnic cluster in modern society, which definitely contributes to the diversity of Shanghai streets and local culture.
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