An Introduction to Individual Coverage Health Reimbursement Arrangement (ICHRA)

Looking after your employees’ health and well-being should be a top priority for any business. While businesses have traditionally offered group health insurance plans to their team members, individual coverage health reimbursement arrangements (ICHRA) are becoming an increasingly popular alternative. This article will introduce how flexible health benefits with ICHRA work and its advantages for both employers and employees.

How Does ICHRA Work?

ICHRA allows employers of any size to provide health benefits through reimbursing employees for the cost of their individual health insurance premiums and qualified medical expenses. Employers allocate a fixed amount of money for employees to use toward their own health coverage, giving them the flexibility to select plans that suit their needs. Employees can choose any Affordable Care Act (ACA)-compliant health insurance plan, and the employer reimburses them up to the predetermined amount.

Employers: Advantages of ICHRA

Cost Control

Traditional group health insurance plans come with unpredictable and steadily rising premiums. With ICHRA, employers set a fixed reimbursement amount for each employee, meaning they know exactly how much they will spend on healthcare benefits each year. Employers also have the flexibility to adjust contribution amounts annually based on business performance.

Customizable Benefits

ICHRA allows employers to offer tailored benefits to different groups of employees, which can be categorized based on factors such as job roles, hours worked, location, or full-time versus part-time status. This level of customization means businesses can offer higher contributions to certain groups, such as full-time or senior employees, while providing scaled-down benefits to others.

Attraction and Retention of Talent

ICHRA allows employers to differentiate themselves by offering personalized health benefits. Many prospective employees view healthcare benefits as a key factor in their decision-making process when evaluating job offers, and ICHRA gives employers the ability to offer an extensive range of healthcare options without the limitations of traditional group plans.

Compliance with ACA Requirements

ICHRA allows employers to fulfill ACA obligations without having to manage a traditional group health plan. By shifting the responsibility for choosing and managing the plan to employees, the administrative burden on HR departments is reduced without compromising employee access to quality, affordable healthcare or company compliance.

Employees: Advantages of ICHRA

Increased Choice and Flexibility

Unlike traditional group plans, where employees are limited to one or two options selected by the employer, ICHRA gives employees access to a wide range of individual plans that best fit their personal or family health needs. This flexibility is particularly valuable for employees with specific medical requirements or preferences or those who want to prioritize certain coverage areas.

Portability of Coverage

Since employees purchase their individual health insurance plans, they can take their coverage with them if they change jobs or experience other life transitions. This portability ensures continuity of care and eliminates the disruption and anxiety that often come with transitioning between jobs or employment statuses.

Tax-Free Reimbursements

Employees benefit from ICHRA’s tax-free structure, which allows them to receive reimbursements for qualifying health insurance premiums and out-of-pocket medical expenses without those funds being included in their taxable income. This means employees receive the full value of their employer’s contribution without having to worry about additional taxes reducing their benefits.

Healthcare for Families

ICHRA benefits employees with families by allowing them to choose insurance plans that meet the unique needs of their household. Whether an employee has young children requiring frequent pediatric visits, a spouse needing maternity coverage, or a family member with chronic health conditions, ICHRA enables employees to find plans that cover all these specific requirements.

Making the Switch to ICHRA

To ensure a smooth transition for both the business and its employees, employers should analyze their current health benefits plan to determine how ICHRA will compare in terms of costs, coverage, and employee impact. Additionally, they need to decide whether to offer ICHRA across the board or only to specific employee classes, such as full-time or seasonal workers.

Specialist ICHRA providers can assist with navigating the setup and ongoing administration of the program, including determining employee contribution amounts, handling reimbursements, and ensuring compliance with all relevant regulations. They may also have software that allows users to assess and manage their healthcare options, reducing the administration burden.

Once the plan is designed, employers must talk to their employees about the switch to ICHRA. This includes educating them on how ICHRA works, how to select health insurance, and the steps to claiming their reimbursements. Employees should be well informed about how the transition will affect their ability to claim tax credits, especially if they choose to opt out of ICHRA.


As healthcare costs continue to skyrocket, both employers and employees are looking for more personalized, affordable options. ICHRA offers a solution that blends the flexibility of individual health insurance with more manageable costs. If your business is considering switching to ICHRA, take the time to speak to a specialist ICHRA provider about how their services can benefit your organization and its workforce.