19 Hacks for Enjoying Life More for Those With Hearing Loss

Living with hearing loss can be difficult. Often, people with hearing issues feel left out of conversations and activities that they used to enjoy. However, there are many hacks that can make the world more accessible for those with hearing loss or declining hearing! In this blog post, you’ll discover 19 of our favorite hacks for making life easier and more enjoyable for those who have difficulty hearing.

Hearing loss is a decrease in one’s ability to hear, whether partial or complete. According to the World Health Organization (WHO), around 466 million people suffer from disabling hearing loss globally. This number is expected to increase to 900 million by 2050 if no intervention is taken. Some people also suffer from declining hearing, which can happen with ageing, or due to other factors. Conditions such as tinnitus, a ringing or buzzing in the ear, can also make it difficult to hear properly and engage in the surrounding world like you once could.

If this sounds familiar, either to yourself or a loved one, there are things you can do to make life more enjoyable. Here are 19 top hacks you could try.

1. Wear Hearing Aids or Cochlear Implants

Hearing aids and cochlear implants are devices that can help make sounds louder and easier to hear. While these can be expensive, they have the potential to improve your quality of life dramatically. This is a great option if you have a diagnosed condition and your doctor recommends trying a device.

2. Get a Caption Phone

Caption phones can be a great tool for those with hearing loss. These devices provide captions on the screen when someone speaks, making conversations easier to follow.

3. Visit a Hearing Professional

If you’re feeling like your hearing is declining, it can be beneficial to visit a hearing professional. They can assess your hearing, provide guidance and advice on treatments, and help you decide if aids or implants are right for you.

4. Make Your Home ‘Hearing Friendly’

You can make some simple changes in your home to help you better hear conversations in your home. This can include improving soundproofing, using rugs to absorb sound, and rearranging furniture so conversations don’t get lost in echoes.

5. Try a TV Headset

TV headsets can help you hear the TV better. These connect via Bluetooth to your TV, and use noise-cancelling technology to improve sound clarity. It also helps others in your household, who may not want the volume on the TV to be as loud as you do.

6. Use Closed Captioning

Closed captioning is a great way to watch TV and movies when you’re having a hard time hearing. Most TVs, computers and streaming services have the option of closed captioning, so you can follow the conversation more easily.

7. Join a Support Group

It can be helpful to join a support group of people who are also dealing with hearing loss. This can provide a chance to connect with others, get tips and advice, and build relationships.

8. Use Amplified Telephones

Amplified telephones can help you hear better when you’re making calls. These phones have a built-in microphone that amplifies sound, making it easier to hear.

9. Invest in Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive listening devices can help you hear better in loud environments, such as a restaurant. These are small devices that you plug into headphones or earbuds and they amplify sound so it’s easier to hear.

10. Try a Hearing Loop System

Hearing loop systems are perfect for use in public places, such as theaters and churches. These systems are designed to deliver sound directly to your hearing aids or cochlear implants, making them easier to hear.

11. Try Noise-Cancelling Headphones

Noise-cancelling headphones can be a great tool for those with hearing loss. These headphones use technology to reduce background noise, making it easier to focus on conversations.

12. Learn Lipreading

Lipreading can be a great skill for those with hearing loss. This involves learning to interpret facial expressions and the movements of a person’s mouth to understand what they are saying.

13. Use Sign Language

Sign language can be a great way to communicate when you have hearing loss. While learning sign language can take time, it’s a valuable skill that can help bridge the gap between you and others.

14. Use Visual Alerts

Visual alerts are great for those with hearing loss. These devices can be used to alert you of doorbells ringing, alarms going off, or phones ringing so that you don’t miss anything.

15. Wear Hearing Protection

For those who work in noisy environments, wearing hearing protection can be essential. This can include using earplugs or earmuffs to reduce the level of noise and help protect your hearing.

16. Socialize in Outdoor Spaces

Outdoor spaces provide a unique opportunity for those with hearing loss to socialize. This can include going to parks, beaches, or other outdoor places so that the background noise isn’t as loud and conversations are easier to hear.

17. Take Breaks from Loud Environments

If you’re in a loud environment for an extended period of time, it’s important to take breaks from the noise. This can help your ears recover from the strain of the loud noises and give you an opportunity to rest and recharge.

18. Follow a Healthy Diet

Eating a healthy diet can have a positive effect on your hearing. Eating foods with omega-3 fatty acids and antioxidants, for example, can help protect your hearing and keep it in top shape.

19. Have Your Ears Cleaned

Having your ears cleaned regularly can help improve hearing and reduce the risk of infection. A professional audiologist can provide ear cleaning services to ensure that your ears are free of wax and other debris that can affect your hearing. This will mean there are no additional factors affecting your hearing if you are suffering from declining hearing.

Hearing is something we tend to take for granted until it is gone. However, there are many strategies that can help you cope with hearing loss. With the right tools and techniques, you can still stay connected and take part in conversations. It is important to remember that hearing loss does not have to prevent you from living life to the fullest.