How to Stay Healthy During Your Pregnancy

Pregnancy is a one-of-a-kind experience and many women look forward to it. However, it can also be very challenging. With so much information around about how to have the perfect pregnancy, expectant mothers can face a lot of pressure. Thankfully, it is not that hard to be a fun and fit mum-to-be. Here are some easy tips on how to stay healthy during your pregnancy.

Care for your body

Daily exercise and other physical activity can help you stay healthy during pregnancy. It reduces the chance of miscarriage and helps to promote the healthy development of your baby. In addition, it also reduces the risk of preterm labor and delivery. Choose low-impact exercises such as walking, swimming, or yoga, and avoid contact sports. Your doctor should be able to recommend the ideal level of physical activity for you.

Prenatal chiropractic therapy has been shown to improve the health of the mother and baby. The Webster Technique is a particular chiropractic technique that focuses on sacral analysis and adjustment. If you are experiencing discomfort and back pain during pregnancy or are worried about having a breech baby, chiropractic treatment can ensure that your bones and neuromuscular system are properly aligned.

You should also see a doctor often for routine prenatal care. This can ensure that issues such as low amniotic fluid or low fetus weight are caught and remedied as soon as possible. An ultrasound scan can help to check the health of the fetus and monitor its development. The care you receive during prenatal visits includes information that can help you cope with physical changes and prepare you for childbirth and breastfeeding.

You are what you eat

Pregnant ladies should pay extra attention to what they eat. For optimal development throughout pregnancy, your unborn child requires adequate nutrition. You should eat a diet rich in whole foods and a wide variety of fruit and vegetables. Try to choose food that is high in vitamins and minerals and low in saturated fat. Avoid high-sugar drinks and snacks. This will help your baby grow and develop well.

Taking a prenatal multivitamin every day will help you and your unborn child acquire the essential nutrients that you both need. Folic acid, iron, and calcium are all examples of these. A pregnant woman should consume at least 1,000 mg of calcium and 400 mcg of folic acid each day to help prevent birth defects. Depending on your physical condition, your doctor may also recommend other essential supplements.

Aside from eating nutritious food, you should drink plenty of water. Pregnant women should consume at least eight glasses of water a day. Drink water regularly throughout the day and avoid drinks with caffeine such as coffee, tea, and soda. Drinking water can prevent fatigue and headaches that result from dehydration. Hydration also aids in preventing constipation and hemorrhoids that can come with pregnancy.

Say no to these substances

Expectant mothers should stay away from certain foods like sushi and raw eggs as well as rare or raw meats. Also, be aware of the presence of raw eggs in mayonnaise. Soft cheeses like feta and brie and unpasteurized milk should be avoided as well. This is because bacteria contamination is a risk when consuming raw or unpasteurized animal products. Furthermore, the mercury content of some fish makes them unsafe for developing fetuses.

While some cultures may allow a drink or two a day during pregnancy, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that pregnant women should not consume any alcohol. Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD) is more likely to occur in pregnancies where alcohol was consumed. FASD can lead to your child having abnormal facial features, learning impairments, and behavioral problems.

Smoking is dangerous for expectant mothers and their unborn children. The chances of sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), premature birth, and miscarriage are all amplified. Smoking also increases your risk of developing health problems during delivery including preeclampsia and uterine rupture. Talk to your doctor about quitting smoking and they can recommend nicotine replacement products or therapies to help you.

Embrace rest and relaxation

Reducing stress and anxiety is essential for having a healthy and successful pregnancy. It is best for pregnant women to avoid stressful circumstances such as long hours at work. If this is not possible, you should learn methods to reduce your stress levels such as breathing exercises or meditation. Take time out to focus on self-care. Have a prenatal massage or take a long bath and allow yourself to escape from the burdens of the everyday world.

Do not forget that you can talk to your partner or close friends and family members about your feelings and worries. Pregnancy is a big change in your life and having people to support you and care for you can make a big difference. It can be tough to ask for help and you may be tempted to act like everything is fine but you should do what is best for your mental and emotional health. Ultimately, this will benefit your baby as well.

A happy and healthy mother typically has a higher chance of having a happy and healthy baby. By following the above guidelines, you can have a smoother and more enjoyable pregnancy. Congratulations!