How to Seek Happiness and Look After Your Mental Health

Although serious, mental wellness is not a topic that should be approached with pessimism and fear. In fact, it should be more about running toward positives than escaping from negatives. Here are some ways that you can change your mindset and adjust your lifestyle to take better care of your mental health.

Savor the Moment

We tend to dwell on the past and worry about the future. This mental capacity to foresee different scenarios has helped humans as a species to survive in a highly-competitive world but thinking too much can get in the way of happiness. With all the what-ifs and things that could have been, sometimes it feels like we would be better off with the memory of a goldfish! Instead of time traveling in your mind, try to savor the present.

Mindfulness practice is a good way to ground yourself. It can help you to pull yourself together when you find yourself going down a mental rabbit hole. One way to practice mindfulness is to focus on your breath and feel the air move through your body from your nose to your lungs and diaphragm and then back out again. Another method of evoking mindfulness is the 5-4-3-2-1 technique which has been proven effective for coping with anxiety.

It is easy to be caught up in the shiny, perfect lives of social media and get caught in a cycle of constant comparison. As you become mindful, take time to be thankful for the good in your life. This can be five minutes of peace in the morning; the melody of a songbird; the ability to walk; or the presence of mind to be aware of your thoughts. With time you may realize that you have much to be grateful for. Express your thanks freely to others, and yourself.

Get Unstuck

While many people would like us to believe that issues like depression are purely due to chemical imbalances in the brain, there is no denying that one’s circumstances play a major role. If you are stuck in a rut and see no way to improve your life or situation, it is evitable that you will feel deflated, lose motivation, and eventually fall into a negative thought spiral. As much as possible, endeavor to come unstuck and move on.

We can be trapped by many things in life. Many of us work in dead-end jobs with unappreciative employers and no hope of advancement. Yes, we need to eat and pay rent; but fulfillment is important as well. Why not consider becoming your own boss? A New York microbusiness license can help you to start a small business and take charge of your income. A break from your comfort zone might be just what you need.

Some people prefer to slowly climb out of a pit instead of leaping. This is often the case when the people you love are holding you back. Spend time alone or off-grid to see your situation clearly and recalibrate your life goals. As a result, you may decide to move to a different state or have some serious conversations with loved ones. Whatever your decision, come up with a roadmap for your happiness and celebrate every little step on the way.

Honor the Temple

Self-care has been mentioned a lot in the media to the point where it is almost perfunctory, but—guess what—you still have to do it. However, we do have to redefine the idea of self-care. It is not so much taking a bubble bath while the kids are burning down the house as making it a point to look after yourself as any responsible adult should. This means treating your body and mind with the utmost respect, care, and kindness.

The first step in proper self-care is quality sleep. Your body needs sleep to get rid of stress hormones and replenish your energy stores. Therefore, you need to prioritize sleep, even if it is not as fun as drinking at the pub or watching hours of revenge television. Schedule a hard-and-fast bedtime and try to turn off your screens at least an hour before. Wind down by reading, doing some light yoga, or spending time with your partner.

The next thing on the self-care list is your diet. Avoid sugar, refined carbohydrates, and junk food—these can mess with your blood sugar levels and negatively affect your mood and energy. Instead, aim for a healthy diet rich in whole foods, quality protein, fruits, and leafy greens. You can find numerous easy, affordable recipes for tasty and healthy food online. Minimize your caffeine and alcohol intake and drink plenty of water throughout the day.

Fill Your Joy Jar

If you envision your life as a jar full of liquid, it is not hard to see how many daily activities and commitments can be draining. Allow yourself some whimsy and seek out things that refill your jar. Enjoy the sunshine, kiss your dog, eat chocolate, draw a picture. The little things that bring you joy do not have to be activities of consequence that bring long-term or financial benefits. The benefit is the fulfillment of performing the activity itself.

Good mental health starts from becoming more attuned to your mind and body. Spend time understanding your situation and take positive steps to build a happier and healthier life. You deserve it!