E-Gamers’ Guide: How to Manage a Minecraft Server Like a Pro in 2023

Minecraft is the world’s second-most popular video game, with over 131 million copies sold.

Minecraft, on the other hand, is more than simply a video game. It is also a tool for teaching youngsters to code, an open platform on which mod makers may build, and the hub of a global community of creators from all over the globe.

If you want to get the most out of your Minecraft experience, you can take it to the next level by hosting your own Minecraft server. You will be able to create your own Minecraft world if you have access to a private server. We’ve compiled a list of the most important guidelines for running a Minecraft server properly. 

Keep a Close Eye on Your Assets

You must carefully monitor your resources if you administer a Minecraft server. To be more specific, the server’s RAM capacity affects its performance and the number of users it can accept before slowing down.

Many well-known hosting firms provide a variety of Minecraft server hosting options, each with a fixed amount of RAM. But gamers who want to use their devices to run their servers should make sure the server has enough RAM.

Grow Gradually

Although rapidly expanding your Minecraft server into numerous worlds may seem appealing, administrators should proceed with care. The server’s RAM resources will be depleted if too many worlds and game types are added. Your team of administrators and operators may be overburdened and unable to control the matter.

When these worlds and games are added one at a time rather than all at once, there is significantly less risk of overloading the server or the employees who work tirelessly to keep it working. It’s difficult to establish a fantastic server in one night, and it takes a lot of trial and error to ensure that your gamers have a nice time on your server.

Study Successful Servers

The Minecraft community is home to a plethora of flourishing servers, and it’s fair to assume that none of them got there by chance. Many of the best servers have incorporated functionality that they found and utilized on other servers.

Keeping this in mind, effective server administrators should examine what makes such servers interesting to users and do their best to deliver an experience that meets the expectations of their players. It is never a bad idea to learn from the experiences of individuals who administer some of the world’s most popular servers.

Keep in Mind That You Can Share Administration

The more people that use a Minecraft server, the more difficult it is to solve specific issues. On the other hand, administrators are not expected to handle all of the work of running a server on their own.

Individuals who are willing to act as operators will be able to aid their fellow gamers and utilize tools that are often inaccessible to regular server users.

It is critical to entrust server administration to someone in whom you have faith. The last thing administrators need are operators who abuse their expanded authority and cause further problems.

Utilize Plugins

Those who manage Minecraft servers and want to customize their users’ experiences have a plethora of plugins to choose from.

Plugins’ capabilities vary from the ability to add new material to the game to the ability to enhance performance and minimize latency, as well as make updates that improve the overall quality of the gaming experience. Whatever an administrator is looking for in terms of being able to apply modifications that result in a more delightful gaming experience, there is almost certainly a plugin that can help them achieve their objectives and turn them into reality. You must do a quick search across all of the many different plugin sites maintained by the community and then examine the results to see what you can discover. 


Remember that backups are essential throughout the management process. Updates are one of the most critical aspects of maintaining a Minecraft server in excellent working order and operational at all times.

Your Minecraft add-ons should be updated regularly, including both random enhancements and major problem fixes. Reduce the number of plugins you use to a bare minimum and only deploy add-ons obtained from authorized providers. The market is flooded with “nulled” or “cracked” extensions, many of which contain backdoors capable of destroying your server or granting unauthorized hacker access to your system, allowing them to cause as much damage as they want.