Some Tips To Clean Clogged Drains in Your Washrooms:

Clean and well-functioning washrooms are an important part of any home. Whether you have guests coming over or you’re living on your own, you deserve to use washrooms that fully function the way they should and are relatively pleasant to use rather than a hassle. In case you have guests coming over, you would want their experience at your house to be a welcoming one as opposed to something unpleasant.

Having a nice clean washroom can also contribute to better health. For instance, an unclean washroom can accumulate lots of germs and can act as a medium where diseases and infections might be transmitted. Feces and urine comprise many different types of viruses and bacteria that can spread all over a washroom and can lead to many health problems if not disposed of properly. Another example is skin diseases, which can be transmitted from one person’s skin to the toilet bowl, and then to another person’s skin when they use it.

Fortunately, diseases borne out of washrooms can be easily avoided if they are regularly cleaned and maintained. And if you think restrooms are too difficult to maintain; they aren’t, if done properly.

The most important aspect of washroom maintenance comprises your drains. If you clean your drains regularly, you’ll definitely be safe from bigger drain issues down the line. However, drains can be tricky because all drains within your washroom have their own specific way to be tended to. Cleaning your sink drain will be different than cleaning your shower drain.

This is how you can go around cleaning your drains (otherwise you may need to a call plumber down the road):

Cleaning Sink Drains:

You probably use your sink for the most part when it comes to using your washroom. You might take a shower once or twice a day, but you’ll wash your hands multiple times. This makes them prone to getting blocked.

This is how you can clean your sink drain:

  • Pull out the stopper of the drain. Be sure to clean it well by removing any algae, grime, hair, or anything else you might find. You can also use a toothbrush with hard bristles.
  • A very good homemade remedy that won’t consist of any toxic chemicals is using baking soda and vinegar. Pour two parts white vinegar after pouring one part baking soda into your sink drain. Be sure to pour the vinegar very slowly. Then let this combo sit in the drain for about 10 to 20 minutes.
  • Take some boiling water and pour it into the drain, atop the baking soda and vinegar. The boiling water will clean out your drain and remove any chances of residue. Once done, put the stopper back in place.

Cleaning Shower Drains:

Shower drains tend to easily get blocked with debris, pieces of soap or soap residue, and hair. If left unchecked for too long, this clogging can solidify, making it more difficult to clean than it has to be. This is how you can clean the drains of your showers:

  • Take off the cover of your shower drain and while using a mixture of water and vinegar, scrub it. Using a toothbrush to scrub will make it easier as well.
  • Use the same sink drain remedy to unclog the shower drain.
  • If you have a non-septic system, bleach can also be used. But refrain from doing this if you have a septic system. Once done, put the drain cover back on.

Cleaning your Toilet Drain:

Your toilet is the part of the bathroom that can be responsible for most skin and air-borne diseases if left unchecked. Before you move on to cleaning it, take note of how you use it on an everyday basis; refrain from flushing any hygiene products or wipes, and don’t flush too much toilet paper in one go.

  • Plunge your toilet very firmly to get any solid matter in your drain, moving.
  • Turn off the water to your toilet’s water tank; then flush.
  • Use the same remedy you did for your sink and shower drains. Let the baking soda and vinegar stay for 20 – 25 minutes.
  • Turn the water supply to your toilet’s water tank back on and then flush. Any small clogs will be loosened up and washed away.

Don’t Wait If You Have to Call in an Expert:

Washroom troubles can get out of hand sometimes; this would be the time when you call in a professional plumber to look into the matter. If this is the case, don’t wait; because the longer you do, the worse it’ll get.