4 Surprising Reasons You’re Unable to Focus at Work

There are so many distractions in a world with advanced technology competing with human interaction. It’s easy to get overstimulated by cell phones, tablets, smartwatches, and television. You can easily lose focus due to various notifications from email, social media, and applications. It’s hard to keep up with it all. But what about when you’re in a controlled environment, the notifications are silenced, and you’re still unable to focus?

Everyone experiences a lack of concentration at work at times. Most people remedy this by drinking coffee, tea, or energy drinks to keep them alert and engaged. But an inability to focus could be a symptom of an unknown problem. A lack of concentration can affect your productivity and quality of work.

You may be compensating using caffeine or herbal supplements, but determining the underlying cause can be more effective. Once you’re aware of the issue, you can work on reversing the symptom. Here are five surprising reasons you may be unable to focus.

Too Much Sugar

The human body needs glucose to function. The brain is very complex, and it’s important to keep it fueled for optimal performance. Glucose is a type of sugar that provides the energy the brain needs. The body breaks down the food you eat into glucose. Most people have more than enough sugar in their diet, with Americans consuming over 150 pounds of sugar annually.

A high sugar diet can lead to several health conditions, including diabetes. But too much sugar in the diet can also lead to brain fog and cognitive decline. If you’re having trouble focusing during the day, you should pay close attention to your diet and reduce your sugar intake if necessary. According to the American Heart Association, you should only have six to nine teaspoons of sugar per day.

You can reduce your sugar intake by eliminating sugary drinks like sodas, fruit juices, and alcoholic beverages. You should replace these with water, herbal tea, and black coffee. You can also eliminate sweet snacks to stabilize your insulin level. Make sure your next cup of coffee is sugar-free.

Adult ADHD

You may be familiar with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) as a behavioral disorder in children. But sometimes the symptoms of ADHD can be missed during childhood. The symptoms usually present differently in adults who are less likely to exhibit hyperactivity.

Adults generally experience problems paying attention and restlessness. If you’re having extreme trouble concentrating, you should consider seeing a mental health professional who can help you determine if you may be experiencing symptoms of ADHD. If the symptoms are preventing you from working or performing daily tasks, you should consider Adderall variants to help you cope.


There is a direct correlation between dehydration and cognitive decline. Dehydration negatively affects the body in many ways, including headaches, fatigue, and a decrease in kidney function. But another symptom of dehydration that may be overlooked is impaired cognitive function. Sixty percent of the human body is made up of water. The body uses water for temperature regulation, joint lubrication, and waste reduction.

Water is also used as a carrier for oxygen and nutrients. Your brain relies on glucose and oxygen to perform important duties. If you’re not drinking enough fluids, it can affect your ability to focus and retain information. The best way to hydrate quickly is by drinking water. Feeling thirsty is an early sign of dehydration, so you should keep water near you while working to remind yourself to drink throughout the day.

The amount of fluid you need can vary depending on factors like your activity level, gender, and weight. If you’re feeling unfocused, try taking a break and hydrating for a few minutes to see if it improves your concentration. It’s always best not to let yourself dehydrate so you’re not playing catch up with fluids and dealing with symptoms that could have been avoided.

Inadequate Sleep

Some smartwatches make it easier to monitor sleep patterns and keep a sleep journal. It may seem like a tedious task, but if you’re experiencing symptoms like an inability to focus then you should consider one. You may be getting enough sleep as in the number of hours, but the quality of your sleep is just as important. Pat attention to how many hours of sleep you get each night and how you feel when you wake up in the morning.

You’re more likely to feel refreshed after experiencing a cycle of deep sleep. There is no way to control whether you go into a deep sleep, but there are things you can do to help your chances. Although hydration is important, try not to drink a large amount of water before bed to reduce interruptions in sleep. Also, avoid stimulating tasks before bedtime and wind down with deep breathing or a cup of herbal tea.

Final Thoughts

Many distractions in the world can overstimulate the senses and cause mental fatigue. This can make it hard to focus and process information. But sometimes an inability to concentrate can be caused by deeper issues. A diet high in sugar, dehydration, and poor sleep quality can all contribute to cognitive decline.

A severe inability to focus could also be caused by ADHD. You should see a mental health professional to rule out the disorder if your quality of life is affected. Once you’re aware of problems that may be affecting your concentration, you can improve your productivity and excel at work.