Why You Should Landscape Your Yard and Start a Garden

The first thing that visitors notice about your house is the front yard. A overgrown front yard generally denotes a less-than-organized resident. Yet, a field of cut grass is just plain uninspired. Aside from impressing the neighbors, there are many other reasons why you should landscape your yard and turn it into a garden.

Nature and Mental Health

Spending time in nature is scientifically proven to work wonders for our mood and mental health. Researchers have found that being outside in a natural environment can help to reduce stress and alleviate the symptoms associated with anxiety and depression. For people who suffer from seasonal affective disorder (SAD), a kind of depression that often occurs during fall and winter, natural sunlight is a potent remedy.

The recuperative power of nature not only brings us a better sense of well-being and happiness but also improves our cognitive performance. Scientists have documented that students with access to natural spaces have better cognitive flexibility, stronger working memory, and superior focus and concentration. While a full immersion in nature produces powerful results, even 10 minutes in a green space can bring benefits.

The Benefits of Gardening and Landscaping

Not everyone has the luxury of leaving town and heading into a nature park for the weekend. However, if you have a yard or a neglected space on your property, you can nurture a small piece of nature in your living environment. Gardening and landscaping are easy ways to get involved with nature and experience relaxation right outside your doorstep.

Relieves Stress And Anxiety

Numerous medical and mental health researchers have established that gardening is an effective tool for anxiety management and stress relief. People of all ages are recommended to participate in gardening. Aside from the rejuvenating effects of being in a green space, there are many ways that gardening can help you to feel more at peace.

Stress and anxiety often result from negative thought cycles and excessive, repetitive rumination. Instead of being caught up in ‘what if’s, gardening keeps your hands busy and allows your mind to focus on immediate tasks. This gives your busy brain a much-needed break and enables your body to get rid of the stress hormones that have accumulated.

Gardening is a helpful tool that stress and anxiety sufferers can use to cope with overwhelming situations. As your stress hormones decrease, the symptoms of psychological distress may ease. Being able to manage your mental health without medication is important to many people and gardening is an ideal activity to build confidence in self-management.

Boosts Self Esteem

It is no secret that people love to show off their gardens to friends and neighbors. As your garden grows, your self-esteem does as well. It is no small feat to start a garden or embark on a landscape project. Whether you grow flowers or vegetables, you will feel a sense of pride and satisfaction when you look upon the results of your labor.

Gardening also teaches you that mistakes and growth are part of life. You may fail to grow tomatoes one year but have a lovely crop the next. When you develop a growth mindset and view your time in the garden as a learning opportunity, this positive outlook extends to the rest of your life and empowers you to go forth and meet new challenges.

Keeps You Active

While gardening and landscaping are not generally considered exercise, there can be a fair amount of physical activity involved. Think about moving wheelbarrows of soil or rocks around your yard—that takes considerable arm, back, and leg strength. Gardening and landscaping allow you to exercise and decorate your environment all at once.

Even if you leave the heavy lifting to someone else, the small tasks associated with gardening work a range of muscles too. Most tasks in the garden will require you to lean, bend over, squat, and sometimes even lie down. In addition, delicate tasks like planting or pruning will help you to maintain dexterity and strength in your hands.

Pleases The Eye

Thoughtfully-designed gardens and yards are places where you want to spend time. Compared to a boring patch of grass, a landscaped garden provides much more visual interest and potential for beauty. With a variety of plants and materials like residential landscape rock, you can create a garden that rivals any public park. Best of all, it is your private escape.

Instead of spending thousands of dollars going to a different state or country to experience nature, you can create a sanctuary in your own home. There is nothing quite like having a slow day in your garden and watching the plants sway in the summer breeze. You will also have the perfect venue to host gatherings and relax with friends.

Whether you want to undertake an entire gardening project or hire professional landscapers, you should nurture a green space on your property. Aside from the positive effects on your mental well-being, gardens improve biodiversity and help important pollinators to survive. By looking after your garden, you are looking after yourself and the planet too.