What’s the Best Way To Prepare for My BLS Exam?

Taking the right steps to prepare for your Basic Life Support (BLS) exam can help you earn your BLS certification without having to re-test or invest extra time into additional studying. Enrolling in a professional-quality BLS course can often improve your chances of passing the exam and getting your certification, though you can do other things to ensure your success.

Here are other useful ways to prepare for your BLS exam.

Make a List of Questions

While taking your BLS course, write down any questions about BLS techniques and protocols that remain unclear to you. In addition to helping you pass the exam, getting the right answers can help you prepare for and feel more confident about using BLS in real-life emergencies. Before your exam, ask your instructor these questions or research them online to find the answers.

Review Keywords and Key Terms

Automated external defibrillator (AED), cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), and chain of survival are common keywords and key terms you will learn during your BLS training. These terms will likely be included on your BLS exam, so make sure you fully understand them before taking your exam. If possible, familiarize yourself with common BLS terms during training instead of after training so you can gain a better understanding of certain techniques.

Take a BLS Practice Test

Also known as a BLS pretest, a practice test usually features material similar to that included on the actual BLS exam. Taking a pretest can often alert you to information and material you may need to study in greater detail before taking the real test.

Ask a classmate to quiz you about BLS, or type “BLS pretest” into your search engine to find practice tests if you’re taking an online BLS class. Take one or more practice tests until you feel confident you can pass your exam and earn your BLS certification.

Be Mentally and Physically Prepared

Make sure you feel mentally and physically refreshed on the day of your BLS exam. Get a good night’s sleep, eat a healthful meal, and drink plenty of water so you can feel comfortable and focused when it’s time to take the test. If you’re attending in-person BLS training, arrive at the classroom early, so you’re not feeling rushed, stressed, or anxious.

Choose Online vs. In-Person BLS Training

A top benefit of taking an online BLS course is learning and testing at your convenience. Online BLS training reduces pressure and anxiety associated with in-person training, as it can be done on your own time when it benefits you the most. Plus, an online BLS exam can be performed as an open-book exam, given how you can turn to the internet for help in the event you get stumped.

Take Your BLS Exam Online With the American Academy

The American Academy of CPR and First Aid, Inc. offers online BLS certification and exams for those who prefer the convenience and privacy associated with at-home learning. Visit our homepage to explore our many training courses and start earning your BLS certification today.