All students are expected to abide by the CAS Honor Code to be found in the Academic Policies page, and should be familiar with the procedures for prosecuting it and the possible consequences. The following are considered violations of academic integrity (though there are others):
- Copying answers from Wolfram Alpha or another computational website to homework. You can use technology to check your work, but if you submit it without thought you are cheating yourself of the point of the exercise.
- Copying answers to homework problems from another website such as Yahoo! Answers, Chegg, etc., The graders can google as well as you can, and will be able to detect if you’ve copied your work. Aside from the integrity issue, students who short-circuit the homework process usually do not do well on quizzes and exams.
- Copying answers from another student’s paper during a quiz or exam.
- Allowing your paper to be copied during a quiz or exam.
- Arranging for another person to take a quiz or exam in your stead.
- Altering graded work to raise scores.
- Fabricating excuses or forging documentation for makeup exams.
- I would not list these if they had not been tried. Cheating is unfair to your fellow students, to me (I work very hard and take my job seriously, and am personally offended by cheating), and to yourself. Penalties can range from a zero on the assignment, quiz, or test, to an F in the course.
- Violations will also be reported to the Dean for Students, and can lead to probation, suspension, or expulsion.