
ICRA2023: Title: Upper-limb Geometric MyoPassivity Map for PhysicalHuman-Robot Interaction: Preprint: 

ICRA2023:Title:  Power-Based Velocity-Domain Variable Structure Passivity Signature Control for Physical Human-(Tele)Robot Interaction [Published in]: IEEE Transactions on Robotics [DOI]: 10.1109/TRO.2022.3197932 

MERIIT Lab & NYU Agens of Optimism (2022):

MERIIT talks at IROS2022:

Telehealth & TeleMedicine Workshop: by S. Farokh Atashzar as part of the 2022 IEEE Symp. on Telepresence

IROS2022: Title: eDeep Augmentation for Electrode Shift Compensation in Transient-phase High-density EMG 

IROS 2022: E. Tyacke et al., “Hand Gesture Recognition via Transient sEMG Using Transfer Learning of Dilated Efficient CapsNet: Towards Generalization for Neurorobotics,” in IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, vol. 7, no. 4, pp. 9216-9223, Oct. 2022, doi: 10.1109/LRA.2022.3191238.

MERIIT Lab @ NYU (PI: S. Farokh Atashzar) – Undergraduate VIP Team: Wearable Mechanomyography

ICRA2022 – Deep Heterogeneous Dilation of LSTM for Transient-phase Gesture Prediction through HDsEMG

MERIIT Lab @ NYU Wireless 2021

IROS2021:IEEE RAL/IROS 2021 – Temporal Dilation of Deep LSTM for Agile NeuroRobotics

IEEE RAL/IROS 2021 – Mechanical Library for Soft Robotics

IEEE Haptics Symposium 2020: Dual-Frequency Wearable for Stiffness Perception

ICRA 2021 Workshop “Impact of COVID-19 on Medical Robotics and Wearables Research: Learning from the Past and Strategizing for the Future ”

Quanser Webinar – 2021