Lillian Jacobs

Pussy Kayaks and Peach Pits” (2021-2022)

I would be lying if I said that I don’t look back at this essay now with a more critical eye. I think my perspective and literary analysis here come from quite a myopic lens in retrospect – and I would like to take this space of reflection to acknowledge my voice in this conversation as a cisgender woman who has never experienced the exclusionary vitriol many trans women face when subjects of anatomy are brought up in the context of feminism. I saw an experience I identified with in Agha’s story, but if I were given this subject again I would have changed my content and tone. I am not a voice for all women, and I am certainly not qualified to speak on “the female experience” as if any of us are a monolith.  

Lillian Jacobs studies (Tisch ’24) film and television at Tisch School of the Arts, and truly has no idea what she wants from life yet. Born in New York but raised in Toronto, Lillian loves writing and reading and anything that involves wordsespecially talking. She’s a bit of a chatterbox, honest to a fault and has an impressive sock collection. Her essay explores themes of personal identity, shame, community and their connection to one’s relationship with their body.