
Table of Contents

Editor’s Note
by Jono Mischkot

Crossing the Line: Capitalist Critique and Artistic Hybridity in Parasite
by Lorena Campes | Writing the Essay

No Happy Endings Can Be Found in Hate
by Madisen Fong | The Advanced College Essay: Steinhardt

To Listen Is to Bind
by Yifan Gu | International Writing Workshop I

Cancel Culture, the Internet, and Trans Inclusive Feminism
by Liberty Guillamon | Freshman Seminar: Fiction, Feminism, and the #MeToo Movement

To Hear the Deaf
by Jessica Guo | International Writing Workshop II: Tandon

The Novel Strain of Anti-Asian Discrimination
by Anavi Jalan | Writing in Community

Plastic Shoes Unite
by Julia Kałużna | Writing the Essay: Art and the World

The Selfie: A Reinvention of Identity in Visual Self-Depiction
by Fatiha Kamal | The Advanced College Essay: Tandon

Dulce et Decorum Est: COVID-19 Health Workers and the Old Lie
by Jacqueline LeKachman | The Advanced College Essay: Steinhardt

Truth in Art(lessness)
by Alana Markel | The Advanced College Essay: The World Through Art

Power and Subversion
by Caitlin Mulvihill | Writing the Essay

The Machista Costa Rican Institute of the Woman
by Fabiola Sanabria | International Writing Workshop II

The Cost of Higher Education
by Ginger Semko | The Advanced College Essay: Steinhardt

Making America Holy
by Olympia Spivey | A Spectrum of Essays

What You’ve Been Calling Your Vagina Is Not Your Vagina
by Lydia Varcoe-Wolfson | Writing the Essay

Element of Surprise
by Mengyang Zeng | Writing the Essay


Notable Essays


Index by Essay Topic

Index by Rhetorical Strategy

Index by Rhetorical Category