Part of your HW will be done online through WebAssign.
WebAssign is subscription service and includes the course textbook and online HW system. You can purchase WebAssign directly from Cengage by going to WebAssign from NYU Classes, or you can buy an access code through the bookstore. A 2-week trial period is setup so you can work on HW before having to purchase the access code. Please note that we have no control in extending this access, and you are strongly encouraged to gain access ASAP.
- Calculus 1 and 3 also use WebAssign, so if you purchase a subscription time that includes the semesters you plan to take Calculus 3, you do not need to purchase it again then
- In some cases, it makes sense to purchase Cengage Unlimited if you have other course that utilize Cengage services
You access WebAssign directly through NYU Classes- it should take you straight to our course site. There is no need for a course code.
On WebAssign, you should have access to our textbook.
You will see your online HW assignments labeled by section. In addition, you can see their due dates.
- For most problems, you get up to 5 attempts. If your attempt is incorrect, you will see a red X. If it’s correct, you will see a green check.
- You can submit just one question or one part of a question without submitting the entire assignment.
- When you’ve submitted each question, there is no need to submit the entire assignment; you are simply done.
- Think of the due date more as a “lock date,” and you can no longer attempt any problem.
- Please note the WebAssigns are due later than the topic was covered to ensure you have enough time to finish the assignment, in case something comes up. Due dates are not start dates.
The chapter reviews are not worth a grade, they are simply practice.
WebAssign also includes a “Personal Study Plan” below the assignments. Here, you can take section and chapter quizzes for extra practice.