Grading and Other Policies

Grading Policy

The grade for this course will be computed as indicated below, then turned into a letter grade from A to D (or F).

      • Attendance & Participation – 10%
      • WebAssign – 10%
      • Written Homework – 20%
      • 2 Exams + Final – 60%

Attendance & Participation (10%)

Each professor will set their own expectations for attendance and recitation. Please refer to your section’s syllabus for more details.

WebAssign (10%)

There will be WebAssign questions each week for the sections of the textbook covered in the videos, due Mondays by midnight (see schedule). WA exercises are usually computational, and to be done by yourself while and after watching the videos and attending the synchronous class. You only need to submit an answer, and you get feedback right away. The system can be finicky, but please try not message me if one of your right answers is counted wrong unless this happens frequently and significantly affects your grade on that assignment. To take this into account, there are three attempts for each question, and the lowest three WebAssign grades (out of 13) will be dropped.

Written Homework (20%)

There will be bi-weekly written homework assignments with deadlines posted on the course schedule, typically midnight on Fridays. Thus, you are expected to work through a total of 6 HW assignments. You can find the assigned exercises and due dates on Brightspace. Please upload the HW by midnight via Gradescope. You are allowed one late submission with no penalty, up to 12 hours late. Late assignments after your first one will convert to a zero at the end of the semester. Additionally, the lowest HW (out of 6) will be dropped. Please see and abide by the HW guidelines at the end of this document, and available on the cover of each HW.

Exams (60%)

There will be 3 exams: two during the semester as indicated on the schedule, and a cumulative final exam during finals week. The highest of the two mid-semester exams will be worth 20% of your final grade, and the lowest 15%. The final exam is worth 25%.


There is no need to message me or your TA for any absence, except for reasons that will hinder your ability to keep up with the class for a significant amount of time. Since you have a week to finish most assignments, no delay will be accepted for any reason. Moreover, the generous drop policy for quizzes and homework are meant to take into account acceptable reasons for absences: sickness, religious holiday, or personal emergency. If, at the end of the term, you feel like this put you at a disadvantage, feel free to contact me and we will discuss your situation. It is also perfectly fine to miss a homework assignment or a quiz to recuperate! That being said, you should definitely message me if you cannot attend the midterm or the final for a valid reason (illness, religious holiday, or family emergency). In this case, you need to let me know in advance. Absences that are not communicated in advance will not be excused. A student missing the midterm, the final exam, five quizzes, or five homework assignments will receive a Failing or Incomplete grade.

Guidelines for Assignments and Tests

No calculators, electronic devices, or any type of communication is allowed during in-class tests, but your notes and the book are allowed. During the exams, you will need to be connected to Zoom and have your camera on during the whole duration of the exam.

Academic Integrity

Academic integrity is the cornerstone of the university. You assume full responsibility for the content and integrity of the academic work you submit. The guiding rule of academic integrity shall be that your submitted work, examinations, reports, and projects must be your own work.

You are expected to read and understand the university’s policy on academic integrity as laid out in the Academic Integrity for Students at NYU policy. Plagiarism and cheating will be penalized and reported. A list of tools that may lead to a violation of the academic integrity policy includes (but is not limited to): Chegg (or any similar platform), Wolfram Alpha (or any similar platform), handheld or online calculators, and other individuals taking the assessment in lieu of a student. Any suspicion of cheating will be thoroughly investigated. If I suspect that a student cheated on an assessment, I may request a meeting where said student will be expected to work through a similar problem and/or explain their work verbally. This meeting may be done with me, a class TA, or another faculty member. If the student is unable to explain the work, or is not willing to meet, they may automatically get a grade of F in the class and be reported to their dean.


Students requesting academic accommodations are advised to reach out to the Moses Center for Student Accessibility as early as possible in the semester for assistance.

Telephone: 212-998-4980

Remote drop in meetings with an Accessibility Specialist are available Monday through Friday from 1-3pm. To request a remote meeting email and an Accessibility Specialist will reach out to you with a Zoom link. If you are already working with the Moses Center, then please be in touch with your Accessibility Specialist with any questions or concerns related to the provision of their services.