Some key topics, roughly in order of their appearance in the course, include:
- notion of functions, classical functions;
- limits and continuity;
- derivatives and their interpretation; differentiation rules;
- exponential functions, inverse functions, logarithmic functions, and their derivatives;
- linear approximation, differentials, elasticity;
- local and global extrema, higher-order derivatives, and convexity;
- function of several variables, partial derivatives;
- optimization for functions of several variables.
The class schedule can be found on this link. We will meet synchronously only on Tuesdays (Section 1) and Wednesdays (Section 6). During the other class times (Thursdays for Section 1 and Mondays for Section 6), asynchronous videos will be assigned. Please use the Zoom link for lecture and recitation on NYUClasses. Recitations are on Fridays.