
Course Description

Derivatives, antiderivatives, and integrals of functions of one real variable. Trigonometric, inverse trigonometric, logarithmic and exponential functions. Applications, including graphing, maximizing and minimizing functions. Areas and volumes.

Textbooks and Course Materials

    • Cengage WebAssign subscription for Essential Calculus: Early Transcendentals, 2ed by James Stewart (details, access, and login via NYUClasses)

Lecture and recitation

Lectures will predominantly be used to introduce and teach course material. Recitations will be used to discuss, interact, and review lecture material. Attending lectures and participating in class is an important aspect of this course. Students who miss an excessive number of lectures or recitations may not get credit for the course. Lectures will also be used to give examinations. Attendance may be taken, and participation during lecture and recitation may be incorporated into your course grade.

Course Work

Students in this course will:

    • have regularly-due WebAssign homework
    • have weekly problem sets
    • take weekly quizzes (formative assessments)
    • take midterm exams (summative assessment), and
    • take a cumulative final exam (summative assessment).

WebAssign HW

WebAssign is an online homework platform and can be accessed via NYUClasses. WebAssign requires a subscription. The due dates of each assignment will be indicated within WebAssign. The purpose of WebAssign HW is to allow students to get immediate feedback on their work. WebAssign also allows students to see more questions they don’t get to see in class or during exams.

Problem Sets HW

Problem sets will be posted on Gradescope, and the due dates of each assignment will be indicated within Gradescope. These problems typically involve critical thinking, and full solutions must be presented. The purpose of the problem sets is to challenge students into applying fundamental concepts learned in class into new or unique situations they may not have seen before. In addition, the problem sets require students to fully present their fully worked solutions in a clear, logical manner.


Quizzes are formative assessments and will be given regularly to test the students’ understanding of the material. Quizzes will be administered in recitation. The purpose of the quizzes is to ensure students are understanding the material currently being covered and discussed in class to ensure they are involved throughout the semester. In addition, the quizzes will allow students to test their understanding in an exam-like environment.

Midterm and Final Exams

Midterm exams will be given during the semester. These will be a summative assessments and comprehensive of the course material taught until that point. A cumulative final exam will be given at the end of the semester that tests students’ understanding of all the course material. The purpose of the exams is to test students’ understanding of the course material in a summative, holistic approach. Some problems may involve multiple concepts.

Course Grading

Grade Categories and Weights

Your exams, homework, and quizzes will be graded according to the following grade weights:

    • Midterm Exams (40%)
    • Final Exam (25%)
    • Quizzes and participation (15%)
    • WebAssign HW (10%)
    • Written HW (10%)

Each category is weighted in accordance with their purposes in the course. Doing well on the exams, although weighted highly, does not make up for poor performance on quizzes or homework, as each category serves a specific purpose in the course.

Grading Scale and Letter Grades

Course letter grades will be assigned at the end of the semester. For each course work category (and subcategory), you will be given a percentage calculated from the ratio of total points earned and total points possible. Then, we will calculate the weighted average of these percentages, and assign a course letter graded according to the table below:

Letter Grade Weighted average (wa) of the percent of points earned in each category
A 93% ≤ wa ≤ 100%
A- 90% ≤ wa < 93%
B+ 87% ≤ wa < 90%
B 83% ≤ wa < 87%
B- 80% ≤ wa < 83%
C+ 75% ≤ wa < 80%
C 65% ≤ wa < 75%
D 50% ≤ wa < 65%
F wa < 50%

Academic Integrity

Guidelines regarding cheating and plagiarism are laid out in the College of Arts and Sciences guidelines available online at, and they will be adhered to strictly. Collaboration is permitted, in fact encouraged, for home and class assignments; however, all submitted assignments must be written up independently and represent the student’s own work and understanding.


New York University is committed to providing equal educational opportunity and participation for students with disabilities. It is the University’s policy that no qualified student with a disability be excluded from participating in any University program or activity, denied the benefits of any University program or activity, or otherwise subjected to discrimination with regard to any University program or activity. The Henry and Lucy Moses Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) determines qualified disability status and assists students in obtaining appropriate accommodations and services. CSD operates according to an Independent Living Philosophy and strives in its policies and practices to empower each student to become as independent as possible. Our services are designed to encourage independence, backed by a strong system of supports. Any student who needs a reasonable accommodation based on a qualified disability is required to register with the CSD for assistance.