This week I started developing circuits with the microcontroller using Arduino IDE. I also learned how to solder, which was new and exciting. Overall the labs went smoothly with a few hick-ups like figuring out that:
- I need to use ~D ports for analogWrite().
- I need to introduce delay() after the tone() to make sure the sound plays since the loop() goes too fast relative to the frequency.
Some questions following the lab remain:
- When combining an LED with a resistor in series does it matter if the resistor goes before the LED or after?
- Why choose the same order of magnitude resistor as the variable resistor?
- What does ‘9600’ in Series.begin() mean?
- What does the following mean: ‘When you take a reading with the ADC using the analogRead() command, the microcontroller stores the result in memory. It takes an int type variable to store this, because a byte is not big enough to store the 10 bits of an ADC reading. A byte can hold only 8 bits, or a range from 0 to 255′
A few fun circuits that I constructed using potentiometer and a speaker:
and two Force-Sensitive Resistors (FSR’s) and two LED’s: