Conference Presentations
- Steinberg Lowe, M., & Buchwald, A. (2019, November). Domain-generality of cognitive control in spoken word production. Oral presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. November 20-23, 2019. Orlando, FL.
- Steinberg Lowe, M., & Buchwald, A. (2018, November). The influence of cognitive control on lexical selection for production. Eposter presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. November 14-17, 2018. Boston, MA.
- Buchwald, A., Steinberg Lowe, M., Calhoun, H., Wellner, R., & Rimikis, S. (2017, November). Enhancing speech motor learning with noninvasive brain stimulation. Poster presentation at the Society for the Neurobiology of Language. November 8-10, 2017. Baltimore, Maryland.
- Buchwald, A., Steinberg Lowe, M., Calhoun, H., Rimikis, S., & Wellner, R. (2017, July). Enhancing speech motor learning with noninvasive brain stimulation. Oral presentation at the International Conference on Speech Motor Control. July 5-8, 2017. Groningen, the Netherlands.
- Buchwald, A., Steinberg Lowe, M., & Calhoun, H. (2016, November). Promoting speech motor learning With non-invasive brain stimulation. Oral presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. November 17-19, 2016. Philadelphia, PA.
- Steinberg Lowe, M., Buchwald, A. & Levi, S. (2016, November). Individual differences in inhibitory control and language processing. Poster presented at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. November 17-19, 2016. Philadelphia, PA.
- Buchwald, A., Steinberg Lowe, M., & Calhoun, H. (2016, July). Using tDCS to facilitate learning of non-native consonant clusters. Poster presentation at the International Workshop on Language Production. July 25-27, 2016. La Jolla, CA.
- Steinberg Lowe, M. & Buchwald, A. (2016, March). The impact of feedback frequency on performance in a novel speech motor learning task. Oral presentation at the Motor Speech Conference. March 2-6, 2016. Newport Beach, CA.
- Buchwald, A., Steinberg Lowe, M., & Calhoun, H. (2016, March). Facilitating speech motor learning with noninvasive brain stimulation. Poster presentation at the Motor Speech Conference. March 2-6, 2016. Newport Beach, CA.
- Steinberg Lowe, M., Berl, M., Gaillard, W.D., and Bernstein Ratner, N. (2015, July). Neuroimaging correlates of fluency in typical and atypically developing children. Poster presentation at the 8th World Congress on Fluency Disorders. July 6-8, 2015. Lisbon, Portugal.
- Steinberg Lowe, M. & Buchwald, A. (2014, November). Using feedback frequency to promote speech motor learning. Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention, November 20-22, 2014. Orlando, FL.
- Steinberg, M.E. (2012, October). The cerebellum’s role in language and cognition. Invited oral presentation for Medstar National Rehabilitation Hospital’s Speech Language Pathology Service, Washington DC.
- Steinberg, M.E., Bernstein Ratner, N., Berl, M., & Gaillard, W.D. (2012, July). Fluency patterns in narratives from children with localization related epilepsy. Poster presentation at the 7th World Congress on Fluency Disorders. July 2-5, 2012. Tours, France.
- Steinberg, M.E., Bernstein Ratner, N., Duke, E., Berl, M.M. & Galliard, W.D. (2011, July). On the surface and hidden below: Spoken fluency and brain activation in children with typical and impaired language skills. Symposium oral presentation at the International Association for the Study of Child Language, 12th Congress. July 19-23, 2011. Montreal, Canada.
- Steinberg, M.E., Bernstein Ratner, N., Duke, E., Galliard, W.D., & Berl, M.M. (2010, November). Fluency and speech rate in epilepsy: Correlations with fMRI profiles. Poster presentation at the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association Convention. November 18-20, 2010. Philadelphia, PA.
- Steinberg, M.E. & Hu, V.W. (2008, March). Using the Autism Diagnostic Interview–Revised to define phenotypes within autism spectrum disorders. Poster presentation at The George Washington University Medical Center Annual Research Day. Washington, DC.
- Steinberg, M.E., Dalakas, M. & Solomon, B. (2006, August). Campath: A novel therapy for inclusion body myositis – Oral motor, speech and swallowing outcomes six months post-treatment. Poster presentation at National Institutes of Health Summer Poster Day. August 2, 2006. Bethesda, MD.
Invited Talks
- Steinberg Lowe, M. (2015, August). The influence of feedback on performance during a complex speech motor learning task. Invited presentation for the Department of Cognitive Science, Macquarie University. August 19, 2015. Sydney, Australia.
- Steinberg, M.E. (2012, October). The cerebellum’s role in language and cognition. Medstar National Rehabilitation Hospital’s Speech Language Pathology Service, Washington DC.