Thanks for the encouragement from Lisa’s email this week, it is very important to me.
Last weekend,I rewatched all the Code Train videos that we have watched before and followed to rewrite the code.I felt better with code now.
This week,I wanted to make a “Gold Coin Rain” sketch,but I found it difficult to make gold coins look three-dimensional.Then I decided to use the image.
Till now,I didn’t know whether I can use images successfully.So I used random falling ellipse(as falling snow) to make my sketch first.
Then I changed the ellipses into images(my money bag).
Finally, it shows like this:
When you clicked one money bag, it would disappeared and your money shows on the screen increased.
I learned from Google how to increase the number of screen displays after each click.
There are some things I cannot solve:
1.How to have endless money bag falling down? Or how to have endless objects?
2.When I clicked one money bag, sometimes two disappeared.I learnt how to limit the mouseclick in a circle, but how to limit it in an image.