First, MagicGeo allows users to construct both Eulerian and Lagrangian trajectories using a sequence of incremental DIC analysis results.
Second, DIC displacement fields can be used to perform meso scale kinematic analysis. MagicGeo uses DIC information to discretize the problem geometry into triangular elements, and uses finite element method-inspired shape functions to derive finite strain kinematic descriptors. The following kinematic descriptors can be calculated:
- Finite strain elemental rotation
- Shear strain
- Volumetric strain.
Lagrangian (left) and Eulerian (right) displacement trajectories during pile penetration.
Shear and volumetric strains in the vicinity of a projectile penetrating transparent soil at an impact velocity of approximately 21 m/s.
Finite strain rotation, shear strain and volumetric strain resulting from pile jacking in Ottawa sand, under plane strain conditions.