Mini Project 3. Generative motion

Here are the 3 links to my mini-project: 

p5.js Web Editor | 3.R.1 Cylinder Flower ( 

p5.js Web Editor | 3.R.2 Lord of the Flies (

p5.js Web Editor | 3.R.3 Pond (

In the first sketch, I was attempting to draw some flowers with the rotation of an ellipse that is composed of two lines with oscillation. When I was trying to let the ellipse rotate around the center of it, I surprisingly figured out that the way the lines move looks like they’re stimulating some cylinders, and this is another way to express the shape of flowers.  I also added some random elements to slightly change the size of the flowers. In the second sketch, I was thinking about merging oscillation and the noise function and using symmetry as an element to make it look natural. I adjusted the values to make the motion look satisfying and also added some other elements to represent the features of an insect. The noise function makes it unique every time. In the third sketch, I would like to create some more realistic movements, so I came up with the idea of combining linear and non-linear motions. The final result expresses the composition of a pound from falling water drops. The result differs every time because I let the mouse position control one of the movements. 

The second sketch is the one I would develop further in Project A. I picked oscillation and noise motion because although those are both common motions in nature, they would likely create an unfamiliar result, and I thought that would be interesting. The eventual movement of the circles is similar to the movement of flies, and the symmetric structure helps the circles’ movement compose a pair of wings and make it look like a huge insect. Therefore it reminds me of the title of the famous novel Lord of the Flies. Therefore, inspired by and related to the theme of the novel, the creature I would like to present in the first project would be an insect that represents reflexivity and deliberation and the process of elimination and reborn. I am planning to add more movement including randomness or interaction with users to make it more interesting; besides, I will specifically add the process of how it grows from a single unit.

At last, this is the link to my presentation:

Lord of the Flies – Lya

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