Our lab sits in one of the most diverse and resourceful cities in the world. We would like to make positive contributions to society as both scientists and members of our communities. As part of this overarching mission, members of our group hope to abide by the following statements:
- We will promote an atmosphere of equality (of every kind) and inclusion in both word and action.
- We will contribute to the community by volunteering in science outreach programs, particularly at schools and organizations in the NYC area.
- We will pursue our science with rigor, collaborate, and welcome open discourse and discussion.
We would like to carry out these goals to help fulfill the broader aims of science departments around the world, as described here:
“…universities are part of an overall pipeline that has to do five things……invite, excite, nurture, educate and launch young people into careers in science and engineering”.
Shirley Ann Jackson, Ph.D. (in an interview on NPR, 3/4/2009)