Even the first sentence shocked me. “There is nothing inherently digital about data.” “Data” and “digital” used to be strictly connected in my mind. I suddenly realized I’d misunderstood data for such a long time. Caring for data could infuse it with more humanity. I can count the tree rings to estimate their age, observe the layers of sedimentation to envision their past journeys. In the past, I cared how direct the set of data was shown to me. It was only about the length of the line, the amount of dots, and the size of the numbers.
However, things begin to change.
Now, visualizing data for me means to add more dimensions to the “reduction of the rich reality”. Similar to preparing a delightful dish, it requires a spoonful of the creator’s insight. To fully show the idea, creators should carefully consider the texture, space, size and so on. This helps us enhance our understanding through a unique perspective of view, and encourages communication among creators and audiences.
It is always hard to define whether a data visualization/physicalization is good. To not disappoint the data itself, we should ensure its clarity. This is different from art. Data visualization should always consider the collected data, though the creators’ concept could be important, it is formed based on the data. The presence of data might put some limitations on the project, but it makes it more focused. A piece of art can go exactly where its creators want it to go, in countless directions. And as I mentioned before, the creator’s insight is needed, we should have our own concept and understanding, both for the data visualization and art. One thing that makes me excited is the choice of materials. I’m such a guy obsessed with textures and colors. It’s hard to imagine how happy a creator can be when exploring different materials and having them tried on their own projects. Of course, materials are vital for both data visualization and art.
Compared to traditional digital visualizations, data visualization invites creators and audiences to join in. It contains data, but it’s not just data. It is more than what we see and think in mind, it is about what we could experience in this project. It is focused on representation and perception. It should be interactive, whether the interaction occurs on a mental or physical level.