Mentorship Program (LIS 785)

Mentorship Overview

The mentorship program at NYU Libraries is a required component of the NYU-LIU Palmer Dual Degree program.  The mentorship program course, LIS 785, is a 4 credit pass-fail class. Participation is for two consecutive semesters (no summer sessions), and each semester requires a time commitment of 60 hours from each student. The program is designed to provide NYU/LIU Palmer Dual Degree students with an introduction to research libraries, archives, museums, and cultural institutions and the services they provide, while also giving the students concrete experiences that translate into employable skills and the guidance of an experienced personal mentor.

Mentorship Objectives

LIS 785 Objectives

      • Build foundational relationship with mentor.
      • Learn about how research libraries, archives, museums, and cultural institutions are organized, what functions they perform, what services and resources they provide.
      • Learn about the major issues and concerns in each area of research libraries, archives, museums, and cultural institutions.
      • Begin to identify areas of interest within the information professions.
      • Understand the importance of professional development and continued education.
      • Build a reflective practice by participating in cohort readings and discussion
      • Publishing opportunity: Produce a piece of writing on an aspect of your dual degree experience for the web

Palmer School Student Learning Objectives

      • Goal 4: staff, manage, and advocate for libraries and information organizations
        • 4A:  explain principles and practices of management 
          • strategic planning
          • human resources
          • budget
          • operational functions of a library
      • Goal 5: prepare to contribute to the profession through research and service
        • 5A: demonstrate … how to effectively contribute to the profession

Goals and Purposes

      1. Mentor-Mentee Relationship. A key component of the NYU/LIU Dual Degree Mentorship Program is the individual mentor-mentee relationship. Based on mutual interests and areas of professional engagement, experienced professionals are matched with students pursuing dual degrees at NYU and LIU. The goals of this one-on-one mentoring are to:
        • Set professional development goals
        • Explore areas of professional interest
        • Get feedback and insight into job searching
        • Understand and foster connections with colleagues and in the wider professional field
        • Make a connection with a mentor who can speak to the quality and impact of the mentee’s work
      2. Modules and Professional Development. In addition to one-on-one meetings with a mentor, students in the mentorship program participate in a standard series of modules that help them learn about the broader range of careers open in the fields of libraries, archives, and information management. Students also participate in workshops and networking events, and produce a piece of published writing or a presentation related to their mentorship experience.
  • Syllabus

The full syllabus for the 2024-2025 cohort includes detailed information about module topics, weekly schedule, assignments, and policies.