
Associate Professor, Department of Communicative Sciences and Disorders
Director, Acoustic Phonetics and Perception Lab (APPL)
Affiliate Faculty: Linguistics, Psychology

665 Broadway, 9th floor
New York, NY 10012
Phone: 212.998.5676
Fax: 212.995.4356
Email: svlevi AT nyu DOT edu

BA: Washington University in St. Louis, Mathematics, French
MA: University of Washington, Seattle, Linguistics
PhD: University of Washington, Seattle, Linguistics
Post-doc: Indiana University, Psychological and Brain Sciences

Research in the lab is currently funded by the National Science Foundation.




Land Acknowledgement: Land Acknowledgement: In deep recognition of Indigenous People, I acknowledge that New York University is located on the ancestral Lenape homelands and that New York City has the largest urban Native population in the United States. In addition to recognizing the enduring significance of these lands for Lenape nations, past and present, I further acknowledge the contributions of all Indigenous people and their continuing struggle to dismantle the ongoing legacies of settler colonialism.