Interpreting Serial Data
1. Parsing Text in Arduino
When getting a string of numbers separated by commas, using Serial.parseInt()
int x = Serial.parseInt(); int y = Serial.parseInt(); Serial.print(“x = “); Serial.print(x); Serial.print(“, y = “); Serial.println(y);
Checking for the right number of bytes:
34, 56, 78 carriage return newline (Comma Separated Values (CSV)) 10 bytes in total
(Serial.available() > 10)
Lab 1:
1. ASCII vs. Binary Send the data in many formats
2. Send the values for 3 sensors: formatting multiple data
3. Handshaking
4. Advantages of Raw Binary and ASCII
Raw Binary is more efficient, and readable in Arduino; ASCII is more readable for debugging and easy to use when writing in JavaScript.
5. Advantages of Punctuation and Call-and-Response
The punctuation method for sending multiple serial values may seem more straightforward, but in some cases, the receiver would interpret data as punctuation, not as a sensor value. The call-and-response method could prevent the sketch from slowing down in p5js.
Lab 2:
1. Input
2. Draw a graph with the sensor value:
3. Reading data as a string.
Change code in Arduino from Serial.write() to Serial.println();
*note: readLine() is the same as readStringUntil(‘\r\n’);
Lab 3:
1 Output: keyPressed & mousePressed
2 send a specific numeric value