Sim and I will work together on the cube, the idea is basically from the second idea I share last week. And we may still haven’t decided on the concrete output, but the user behavior will be almost like what I supposed before. We will work on the technical issues this week and the forms of outputs and fabrication may be changed by the technical conditions.
The BOM and To DO List is shown below.
Weather as Medium
World Skies is an interactive kinetic artwork and real-time weather data visualization created by BREAKFAST using their Flip-Disc medium. This artwork allows a collector to select any city in the world to visualize cloud cover, rainfall, and wind in real time. When someone is close and interacts with the piece, a depth sensor sees them and replaces the visualization with a reflection of themselves. The contrast of their image changes based on the current cloud cover – similar to how the sun and clouds affect your appearance when outside.
BREAKFAST is a robotic kinetic artist group focused on creating forward-looking software-and-hardware-driven artworks that connect viewers to far-away places through interactive experiences, and tell powerful stories about our rapidly-changing world.