Week4- Project Proposal

Find 3 stories that are inspiring to you and write each down on a separate page.

Idea 1:  The spring story “The Orphaned Egg” from Little Witch Hazel.

Characters: main role sitting in bed, bed, a big egg, an orphaned

1 1

Material: wood, clay, metal wire



Idea 2: Can’t wake up

Characters: one role in bed, bed, alarm clock, another person pulling the blanket.

1 1

Material: wood, clay, metal wire


Idea 3: The scenario of Christine’s auction

Characters: auctioneer, hammer, a bidder

1 1 

Material: wood, clay, metal wire



Week3- Simple Mechanism Prototype

Linkage is the mechanism I worked on for the assignment, which is related to the lever.

Definition: A linkage is a mechanism formed by connecting two or more levers together. Linkages can be designed to change the direction of a force or make two or more objects move at the same time.

Four of the main linkage types are the Reverse motion, Parallel motion, Crank and Slider linkage and Bell crank linkage.

Sketch 1:

The parallel-motion linkage is devised to be driven by 2 wheels and a string.

Materials: cardboard, straw, cord, pin

Prototype 1: I only found 1 straw, the first prototype is a half parallel-motion linkage. 😭 But you can see the it works.

Sketch 2: Iterating on the first sketch, I try to add the reverse-motion linkage into the system.

Prototype 2: Using the cardboard instead of straw.

The movement reminds me of a game called “Whack a Mole”. 



Types of Linkages Explained

Week2- Moondial Prototype

This week, Junru and I collaborated on the creation of a moon dial. Our goal was to design a tool for tracking the changes in moon phases.

We accessed historical, current, and expected data on moon phases from the Moongiant website. Based on the data for the current month, we decided to create a moon dial. 

Our concept involves using a rotating axis to represent the various phases of the moon, with the hollowed-out sections indicating the moon phase(illuminated portions). Sketches created in Illustrator are below for reference.

Final Prototype:

Our class on the day is 26 Sep, and the Moon Festival will happen on 29 Sep which is the Full Moon as the moondial shown.



Tools& Experiments: