Week 4 – Cube 2


Sim and I will work together on the cube, the idea is basically from the second idea I share last week. And we may still haven’t decided on the concrete output, but the user behavior will be almost like what I supposed before. We will work on the technical issues this week and the forms of outputs and fabrication may be changed by the technical conditions.


The BOM and To DO List is shown below.

 Weather as Medium 

World Skies Pink Sunset

World Skies is an interactive kinetic artwork and real-time weather data visualization created by BREAKFAST using their Flip-Disc medium. This artwork allows a collector to select any city in the world to visualize cloud cover, rainfall, and wind in real time. When someone is close and interacts with the piece, a depth sensor sees them and replaces the visualization with a reflection of themselves. The contrast of their image changes based on the current cloud cover – similar to how the sun and clouds affect your appearance when outside.

BREAKFAST is a robotic kinetic artist group focused on creating forward-looking software-and-hardware-driven artworks that connect viewers to far-away places through interactive experiences, and tell powerful stories about our rapidly-changing world.







Week 4 – Enclosure

Since I have an almost finished circuit for the midterm of another class “connected device”, which also needs to make an enclosure for the device. So this assignment could be my prototyping for the midterm.

First, I made the circuit and Arduino as small as possible. Since I may iterate the circuit, I use the solderless board. And I haven’t soldered the button and led, I tried to put all the windows on a flat surface.

the inside circuit and Arduino

I draw and cut the outline of each piece first, verifying the size of the enclosure. And then put the circuit inside to estimate the position of each output and input. The reason to do these separately is I use the solderless board. The positions don’t need to be precise if I soldered each component on a soldering board.


I keep the right side to be a door and stick a doorsill. But the doorsill occupies the space the circuit cannot take out. So I change it to a small square doorsill which also works well. 


I give a relatively larger space for the thickness of the circuit since the solderless wire needs space. But putting protective films to stabilize the position of the circuit and make sure the button could be pressed from outside.

Here is the final piece!





Week3 – Dashboard

I was stuck in the first step of connecting Arduino to MQTT since I hadn’t changed the WiFiClient wifi from WiFiSSLClient. Fortunately, Michelle noticed it and helped me, thx! I have to say I haven’t caught this point in class and spent time figuring out such a silly problem on Wednesday evening. The class recording is really helpful to review!

I used the VL6180X distance sensor and the data displayed on MQTT explorer smoothly.  w3---1

I use script.js which gives a number between 0-255 randomly to test whether the style of opacity works. The display of the latest data fairly solved the problem I encountered last week. 


I learned HTML CSS last week and try to make the data visualization coordinate the interactive behavior. When the hand(or any other object) is close to the sensor, the circle would become more opaque and smaller, just like blocking a divergent light source. And I only use the distance value to control the change on the web.

Dashboard Link


Be honest to say I still think about what kind of behavior or activity is reasonable to be monitored by the TOF distance sensor. Might be a sharing box for a public tool that monitors how many people use it and make a led indicator on the physical device to remind people to bring it back to the original place when they’re done. The light is on when the tool is taken away and off when it is returned.















Week 3 – Cube – Brainstorm

At first, I didn’t have much of an idea about the cube; I felt like my thoughts were restricted to the shape of the cube. Then I browsed through my diary in the hopes of finding some inspiration. I’m still sticking to the interactive form of content expression and aesthetic expression, here are my two ideas.

Idea 1:  Elpis

Background Story: Pandora’s box
Elpis represented the spirit of hope. She and the other daimons were trapped in a box by Zeus and entrusted to the care of the first woman Pandora. Gods told her that the box contained special gifts from them but she was not allowed to open the box ever. Pandora was trying to constrain her curiosity, but one day she could not hold herself anymore; she opened the box and all the illnesses and hardships hidden in the box started coming out. Pandora was scared because she saw all the evil spirits coming out and tried to close the box as fast as possible, closing Elpis inside.
The myth itself though appears in many different versions; the most distinctive difference is that in some myths Hope does come out. The main purpose of the myth of Pandora though is to address the question of why evil exists in the world.

Life cannot be constantly lucky, just fortunate. Life is basically made up of disaster, fortune, despair, and hope. Hope is frequently present as a result of the presence of suffering.
Despite the fact that hope is fully trapped in a box and that illness and hardship are inevitable, people continue to try to approach hope in their own unique manner. Each person holds a key, either far or near, to unlock hope.


When the key inserts into different positions, there should produce different outputs, either light or sound, I haven’t decided on it.



Idea 2:  Solitude: Everyone should have a room.

Personally, I am a supporter of life aesthetics, which is a branch of philosophy. Jiang Xun’s writings were my first introduction to the concept. He is a poet, painter, writer, and aesthete. Solitude is a major topic in the aesthetics of life. In recent years, I’ve attempted some writing and speculative design centered on the topic. I believe that for a long time, solitude has been a topic deserving of serious consideration.

There is an interesting literal interpretation of Solitude. Sol comes from the Latin word Solari, both of which means sun, and the ancient belief that the sun is the center of the universe, sacred and unique, so sol also means “alone“. Even there is a famous quote from Schopenhauer that”A man can be himself only so long as he is alone; … if he does not love solitude, he will not love freedom; for it is only when he is alone that he is really free. ” Solitude is an active choice. 

There is another literal interpretation of the Chinese word for solitude that was proposed by a Chinese writer, Lin Yutang. He parsed the two Chinese characters for “孤独“- solitude into four parts, which are self, with melons and fruits, with dogs, and with flies, rich enough to build a world.

Being alone should be a means of enrichment, of coming into yourself, of understanding yourself. When you are alone, the world you view might be considerably different from the world you regularly see. The purpose is to deepen the recognition of solitude and try to trigger people’s reflections.


When the user’s head is in the box, the distance sensor will trigger the light. And user can notice a prompt to blow the pressure sensor, which will trigger the air pump.





Week 3 – laser cut

For the laser cut assignment, I decide to make a 3d organizer. Since I learned some laser skills last semester for my pcomp final and I found it hard to make 3d objects with perfect size since the cutting surface is not straight which Phil also mentioned in class. Another reason is that the loss of laser cutting will bring size errors.

I think about 2 solutions for the imperfect size. One is to use a sander to smooth the edge. Another way is to take the loss into account when drawing, and appropriately increase the length, in 0.01mm; In addition, wood glue is used to make up the gaps caused by irregular edges when sticking. This time I choose the second method, not using the sander, because the sander also easy to leads to imprecision.

The sketches in Illustrator were as below.

f4 f5

I am going to make a hollow-carved storage box, and my personal logo is also printed on it. The hollow-carved effect is chosen to be a checkerboard grid so that it can contain raster and vector. And I try to give different gray scales to the grid. There are TWO problems I met in the process.

  1. Apparently, when rastering the grids, the different gray scales are hard to notice, I have to say there is no difference.
  2. When cutting the grids, most of them work well but some of them are not cut through. I checked it and found that there were a lot of rough fibers in all the places that were not cut through, which might be the reason.
    f1 f2

Actually, I made the small box first to verify my sketch and structure, but I forgot to take photos. Anyway, the small version works well. So I continue the plan to make the large one. But, there was a mistake in one piece when drawing the sketch of the big box, and I didn’t realize it until the laser cutting was done. As a result, the size of that piece is not perfect, but the connection of the other four pieces was still in my plan.
