Week 5 – Guard4Eye

Basically, I idea is super simple, just a device to monitor the distance between the user’s head and the screen. When the user crosses the border, the warning signal will light on. The device is called ‘Guard4Eye’, hopefully, it could correct my improper posture.

This week there are not many changes on the dashboard. I just modified the code of the warning part in Arduino, from the period in seconds to the times of crossing the border. You can find all of the code HERE

Since the device should be able to mount/clamp on any screen, the device should be light and the clamp should be compatible. So I will power the device with a power supply rather than install the battery inside of the device, and I found the screw-on clamping knob to make a clamp that could be adjusted and installed on any kind of screen.

For the fabrication, the sketch showed as below.1



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