For this experiment our team sort of diverged into two different directions. Aaron and Anthony focused on using the radio communication possible between two microbits in order to produce results whereas I used bluetooth to connect the microbit directly to the computer.
(Radio Results)
(Bluetooth Results)
The reasoning behind using the bluetooth was so that I could run external p5/ml5 code to utilize a model trained to listen for knocks specifically.
For both sides, we ran into trouble using the neopixel/led strips. When using the bluetooth module, it doesn’t allow the neopixel module to be used, however, when using the 4 pin (5v, r, g, b) led strip, we ran into the problem of the lights turning on correctly, but not being able to turn off when writing 0 (to turn it off). It did strike me as odd that there was no apparent ground connection for the strip.