I realize I’ve done this out of order, doing the final before this project, but a lot of the knowledge I acquired in doing so made this process very easy to understand. In accordance to my original proposal, I wanted to create an amalgamation of a person’s face using webcam. Since the original theme for the event “Future of Memory” also regarded surveillance and privacy, I thought this would be an interesting topic if it were to be translated to a camera in public, for example in the halls of IMA, to get the “average IMAer’s face,” although I know the result does not actually provide any scientifically sound results, a topic I discussed with Professor Gottfried.
This would work for multiple people in frame as well. The part that I was able to directly inherit from the final project was the process of collecting images of the person’s face, although instead of saving it locally, I created an image array with varying opacity depending on the amount of data (length of the array). This code can be directly seen below.
By doing so, it saved me from the same trouble I ran into with the final project, in terms of security and access to local files being loaded in p5. Although, over time, the sketch does slow down considerably.
Link: https://editor.p5js.org/khx201/sketches/WiTdvQqQo
Example Result: