ARVR: Unity Project 1

For this project we decided that we’d just go in order one by one building off whatever the previous person decided to do. I went after Scarlet where she had a shoe kick a platform holding a rubik’s cube and a ball, which would eventually roll down some slopes. To continue the animation I have a backpack sitting on a ledge which, once hit by the ball or cube, would drop and see-saw the model of my journal into the air. Since I was anchor I decided to do some minor revisions on other’s part so that the chain reaction was a bit more consistent for recording. I added a trigger so once Max’s buddha head dropped into the arms of the man it would start the comb animation. Another was adding a script to destroy the platform resting on the shoe after it reached a certain y height as it tended to flip out a lot, sometimes knocking the cube and ball in  random directions. Other than that I just did some minor positioning/mass changes to objects. For the camera I was going to use cinemachine but since I’d be tracking and transitioning between different objects I figured it’d be easier to just manually animate.

Link to Video:

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