Currently, we are working on Forces. Attractions catch my eyes! I can never imagine how we can work with physics in coding. And, I am always inspired by the icon of the Atom, which is an atomic structure. A core of an atom and several electrons surrounding. I think this is the beauty of nature and the beauty of the world. Everything consists of millions of atoms like this. That is really amazing. There have been a lot of forms of forces covered in the class, like friction, attraction, gravity, etc. However, these kinds of forces are all at the level of macrophysics. We never touch the micro world, atoms, electrons, protons, neutrons, and even quarks. So for the midterm project, I want to explore the forces inside the micro world. I want to build an atom sketch to show the atomic structure and the movement of each component of an atom.
Icon of Atom(text editor)
What Does An Atom REALLY Look Like?
This Youtube video perfectly explains what does an atom look like and it also reveals what does the movement inside an atom looks like. It is different from how the planet moves around the sun. To learn more about the movement of an atom. I keep researching on the Internet.
In the article “Q: How do electrons move around the nucleus of an atom?”, by TAMRA REALL and DEANNA LANKFORD of MU’s Office of Science Outreach, the author says, ” Electrons are found in different levels — or orbitals — surrounding the nucleus. The electrons can be found at any point in their orbital. The orbitals can be shaped as a sphere, as lobes — which kind of look like two squashes put together at the small ends — or in the shape of a doughnut around the nucleus.”
Visual Reference
It should look something like this.
Techniques support
As I researched, the force to drive the electron moves is a form of force existing among the particle with electricity–coulomb force. The formula is:
where ke is Coulomb’s constant (ke ≈ 9×109 N⋅m2⋅C−2), q1 and q2 are the signed magnitudes of the charges, and the scalar r is the distance between the charges.
In my project, I suppose to utilize coulomb force to different particles. I think the major challenge is to make the object moves in the way that it is expected to move according to Coulomb’s law.
Check detailed plan in the following link:
- What Does An Atom REALLY Look Like?
Coulomb’s law, Wikipedia. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coulomb%27s_law
- “How do electrons move around the nucleus of an atom”, Columbia Daily Tribune, https://www.columbiatribune.com/article/20140115/lifestyle/301159869
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