Milestone 4: Ideation

Design Principles

  • Approachable. Write in plain language; avoid jargon and technical terminology.
  • Empowering. Provide users with multiple paths to help them achieve the same goal. Choose your own adventure mentality.
  • Motivating. Add a point system and integrate social elements to encourage users to continue using the app. Allow users to challenge each other, earn achievements based on their progress, and use pre-defined development paths.
  • Supportive. Include pre-set development paths that users can choose from. Potential to also allow supervisors, coaches, mentors, etc, to recommend development paths. Include user-submitted paths and option for users to share feedback and/or comments on different paths and challenges.

Foundational Theories & Approaches

  • Learner agency/ self-directed learning
  • Social learning
  • Motivating learners with gamification
  • Scaffolding learning
  • ICAP Framework


Some of the overall design for the app will be based on a previous prototyping project. You can learn more about some of those earlier design sketches here.

Although I already have a strong design concept from the earlier project, I still wanted to go through the sketching process to better incorporate changes in scope and the nature of this project.

Early Sketches

Next Steps

Some things to look into:

  • Incorporate feedback on development competencies
  • Look into Optimity site
  • How Reddit manages/ displays user trophies
  • Duolingo point system and leaderboard
  • Explore Salesforce training site

Note: All content and designs related to my thesis project are copyright pending. Do not publish or use without explicit permission.