Redesigning Informed Consent

prototyping | graphic design | ux

About this project

Our User Experience Design for Learning course (EDCT-GE: 2015, Spring 2020) had a semester-long project that focused on evaluating the CITI training and informed consent process for the Institutional Review Board (IRB) at NYU. As part of this ongoing project, our group was tasked with redesigning the user experience for both researchers and prospective research participants based on previously identified criteria. For this project, our group chose to focus specifically on the “Informed Consent – SBE (ID 504)” module as part of the CITI training that all researchers must complete as part of the IRB process. 

Project members:

  • Katie Santo – prototyping, graphic design, ux, consent simulator development
  • Maria Seo – prototyping, graphic design, ux, consent module development

Read our full redesign report

Consent form simulator

As part of our redesign, I developed prototypes for an interactive consent form simulator that more accurately reflected how learners would implement their CITI training when conducting research.

View the simulator on InVision